
Sign of the times & global climate change: The Weather Channel launches "The Disaster Channel?"?

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  1. grt!! yaar .. dis is really a superb effort.. i must admire dis..But if we really understand the menace and all of us join hands in dis regard .. only then can dis step b successful..Grt news from u..Thanx

  2. Sign of the times? Yeah, it is a sign of the times. Disaster stories sell. Does it mean much else? No.

  3. It would definitely be a great new fear-mongering propaganda channel that may surpass FOX News.

  4. That is hilarious!

    I'm surprised some of Y!A's more adamant "deniers" haven't been quoting it as valid news and science already.  

    It's not surprising that they take it so seriously.

  5. i hav heard this. but  its not completly true.wel it will cause some problems.m too trying to inquire about this.

  6. Funny site Amy..thanks.  I liked this one:

  7. Yes - It's important to keep the story line of so-called "global warming" alive, as it is very, very, profitable for business.

  8. LOL I almost took it seriously.  It was the "Tragedy on the 8's" and Dr. Hotmember that got me.  Then I started looking at the rest of the site, and found things like this:

    Some of your questions lately have really been showing how little sense of humor there is to be found around here.

  9. Global Warning is the latest 'Y2K' bug.  Has anyone ever said, "Ooops, sorry, I guess we all overreacted?"  In the same way, TWC people won't be there when its time to apologizing for the global warming hoax

  10. TV viewers enjoy sensationalism.     By definition they like to live vicariously.    But I don't think that a TV show is representative of reality or of real world trends.   For example, there are a lot of "ice road truckers" shows - there aren't more ice road truckers now than there used to be.   There is a popular show about dangerous careers - there aren't more deep sea fishermen than there used to be.

  11. Or is it a sign of them trying to capitalize on peoples fear.

    Think About it

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