
Signal Quality is zero!?

by  |  earlier

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Dear All; I have a STARSAT receiver, a few days ago while the dish allignment was changed, I restarted the receiver and after that i needed to reinstall the channels. Although I have about 93% signal strenght, my signal quality is zero. I checked the receiver with another dish. there was no problem with it. I had also changed the LNB, but the same problem persists. Any idea about the probable problem ?!




  1. Sounds like your dish still needs alignment. Even though your signal strength is good, signal quality as you know has to be good.Why was the alignment changed in the first place? All that's left after that is the cable,but I'm betting alignment!

  2. Yes I agree with Mike B. Your dish is not aligned correctly. How did you align it anyway, you really need a good quality signal meter than can measure BER etc and the Azimuth setting is crucial too. Trying to do it manually guessing will take forever and a day if at all. Once your sure the dish is aligned corrctly reinstall the EPG and you should be ok. Try another receiver on your dish and not your receiver on another dish this will tell you if your receiver is at fault. Hope this helps

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