
Significant inventions.?

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Which race do you think has made the most world changing inventions ?




  1. the wheel

  2. The british of course.

    Tim Berners-Lee - Invented the internet

    Steven Hawkins - Discovered black holes and space in general. He can also talk without moving his mouth and is still surviving a killer disease that should of killed him many years ago.

    Sir Isaac Newton - Discovered the theory of gravity among other things.

    Charles Darwin - Introduced the idea of evolution and survival of the fittest, as well as continental movement.

    William Thomson - He discovered alternating current electricity. He also discovered that the best way to move electricity is copper wire.

    Francis Crick - Discovered DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) (and i did not look that up) structure along with Maurice Wilkins and American James Watson.

    Maurice Wilkins - see above

    Michael Faraday - He discovered electromagnetic induction, diamagnetism, and electrolysis. He also discovered DC current

    Rosalind Franklin - discovered the full structure of DNA and photographed it too.

    Jane Goodall - Did extensive discoveries into apes and how they live, linking us to them and that we must of evolved from them.

    Edward Jenner - created the vaccination for smallpox, his theory was for vaccination is now the base of all vaccinations today.

    That is just a few to name. But they invented some of the most significant things in human history - electricity, the internet, vaccinations.....

    I took that section from a previous answer. it might seem a little out of context, but it has about different scientists and inventors

  3. 1st:Chinese


    3rd:Indians(in Asia)



  4. Race or country?  I don't like your question.

  5. The Tour de France.  That race has pushed bicyle technology to the limit.

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