
Signing away rights // adopting question?

by  |  earlier

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my sons father is....well he's a toxic human being, we'll just leave it at that. anyways.....if his name is never put on the birth certificate or anything can my son be adopted by a future husband i would have?

or do i have to get my sons father to sign away his rights in order for the adoption thing to happen?




  1. In the UK under the law of parental resonsibibly; unmarried fathers only have rights to their child if their name is on the birth certificate. They cannot put their name on the birth certificate without the mother being present.


    you can get much information in this website, If you will check anyone blue link in website.

  3. Different states have different laws. Even if his name is not on the birth certificate if he finds out that another man is planning on adopting the child he will be able to contest the adoption with DNA testing etc. He could possibly even come back after years and contest if he is never notified and he does not sign consent. I have read of cases where that has happened...single mom gives up child...years later biological dad finds out about baby...wants his kid back. I would talk to an attorney and if there was any chance of this happening I would just have him sign consent. If he is not involved in the child's life and does not pay support you can always tell him to sign or you sue for back support. But you need to make sure he knows that he has a child or it could backfire. Talk to an attorney before you do anything else. They will be able to tell you the laws in your state and the things that "could" happen. Make sure you have all you Is dotted and Ts crossed. It would so traumatic for a child if after having a dad for several years for basically a stranger to come and try to take the child away. Make sure there are no loop holes! Good luck!

  4. Nope, if the birth father is not on the birth certificate he has nothing to do with your child and a future husband can adopt your son without permission or relinquished rights from the birth father.

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