
Signs of labor? Very nervous.?

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I'm about 30 weeks along now, and have been experiencing mild back pain and a cramping in my lower abdomen for a little over a day now. When I went to the bathroom earlier, there was a very small glob of clear/yellowish mucus on the paper. I have glanced over several pages concerning losing your mucus plug, but I can't be sure if this is it or not. Is it normal to get small pieces of discharge like that when you get further along? Or am I preparing for labor now? I'm only thirty weeks, I'm hoping this isn't the case.




  1. Call the doctor or advice nurse first and describe your symptoms.  Answer any questions they have and then ask if you should come in.  They will either want you to come in, just to be sure everything is OK, or will reassure you that your symptoms are normal.  I have had occassional thick discharge, but never really had any cramps or back pains that weren't related to actual physical activities (e.g. sleeping in a weird position, bending over a lot in one day).  All of those symptoms could be completely normal for your pregnancy, but it's better to call a doctor and get your fears relieved than keep worrying about it.  I went in for a non-stress test because of baby's movements getting very weak.  It ended up that she as just having a few off days, but they complimented me for getting it checked.  No good doctor will make you feel bad for calling and/or going in.

  2. I would definitely  go to my doctors right  away unless your use to having that kind of  discharge.

    Good luck and don't panic !  

  3. Most likely Braxton Hicks. When the cramping begins, reach for a high protein snack and a glass of water and lay down or sit down for a rest. This will most likely help to stop premature contractions. Dehydration in the mother can also cause too early contractions.

    Discharge is common during pregnancy, should a bit of your plug be dislodged, your body easily recreates a new one. At any time in your pregnancy you can call your doctor or midwife for help with your health concerns during pregnancy. You do not have to wait until your next appointment, better to call in and relieve your worry so you don't have to be nervous and if there is a problem it can be attended to right away. Congrats and best wishes, G

  4. dont worry, worrying will make the pain go worse.

    if the pain goes worse anyway, then i suggest you see a medical professional... but hey, don't worry

    and congratulations :) xx

  5. I am betting you are fine. I have had that kind of disharge for a little while now. I am 25 weeks. If the pain were to get worse or even feel like it is coming and going like contractions then I would call your  doctor otherwise,  the baby may have changed position and it is taking a toll on your back.

    I really wouldnt worry!

    congrats on your baby!

    p.s. my baby just shifted forward and my lower abdomen and back have been hurting some since.

  6. you can lose your plug in pieces or all at once sounds like you are losing pieces of it but, don't worry it can rejuvenate itself or you can just be dilated for a couple months but that is okay b/c it doesn't necessarily mean that you will go into labor!  

  7. Call your OB let them check you to make sure your cervix is not opening and that you are not having contractions. They can run a stress test on you and make sure that everything is ok. If it persists keep going back until you feel comfortable. Remember that this is they're job to help keep you and the baby healthy.

  8. If you suspect labor - why wouldn't you go to the hospital and get checked. If it is labor, they need to stop it. I am concerned that you're having cramping in abdomen for over a day. Call your doctor.

  9. Here is an easy test, if you are in labor, time the start of one cramp to the start of another. Are the consistent? If so, go to the dr. or call your nurse.

    Also, try walking. Nothing strenous, if you are in labor, this will increase the contractions and the frequency of them.

  10. Sorry, this is gross, but I've been losing mucus all along (small globs, one had a small clot of blood in it)... cramping is normal and back pain can be from where the baby is positioned or can be because your posture is very different and that can cause it as well...

    If you notice contractions that are every 5 minutes or so for an hour or more or your water breaking, call your doctor...

    Your symptoms sound totally normal.

    Add: Try drinking water (about a bottle or two an hour) and pure fruit juice, milk, decaf tea... hydration can help stop braxton hicks contractions (I've found since I started drinking a LOT of water/fluid, I basically have none now) and staying off your feet as much as possible...

    Again, if you notice steady contractions for over an hour, or your water breaking, do call your doctor (if your water breaks, GO IN, don't even bother calling)...

    One thing I forgot about, if you start to notice bleeding. That is something you need to call about as well...

  11. sounds like your going into labor, call your doc

  12. It sounds like you "could" have lost a piece of your mucous plug.  It is also normal to have excess discharge with pregnancy so it could be just that as well.  The good news is if it is your plug, your plug renews itself throughout the pregnancy.  It is something you should let your dr. know just so they can be totally aware of everything going on with you and your pregnancy.  Back pain and cramping can be totally normal at this stage in pregnancy due to extra weight and pressure on your body however it can also be a sign that something else is going on.  As always, it's better to be safe than sorry and only a full evaluation by a doctor or nurse will tell you for sure what it is.  

    Have you been feeling the baby moving as usual?  Make sure you are drinking lots and lots of water.  Dehydration can cause cramping and contractions.  

  13. go to the hospital after calling your doctor. And by no means panic. Babies at 30 weeks have a great chance of survival. They may keep you in the hospital for a day, week, and slow labor down at least for as long as they're able.

    You need to relax and realize this is a normal part of life - not necessarily delivering early, but it does happen. Don't hesitate...

    call your doctor and go to your hospital NOW!

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