My mare should be having her foal within a few weeks or so.The vet checked her out 2 weeks ago and thought she'd have her foal near the end of the month,early next month.I noticed she was acting unusual this afternoon,wouldn't eat as usual,nostrils flared,pouring sweat and rolling her eyes back,and acting very uncomfortable.My first thought was mabe labor pains,but her belly isn't hard with contractions,no waxing of the teats,nothing out of the ordinary except her tail held high.And she paces then trots around the barn,wants affection then nudges me away and avoids the other horses.I felt along her belly and can definitly feel her foal,so I was wondering if it's turning is making her uncomfortable?I hate to call the vet out for nothing and panic her if this is normal labor.She's had 3 previous foals,all at night and I'd never witnessed her foaling,so I feel like an idiot.When should I be concerned?