
Silence your roster???

by  |  earlier

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what does the commercial mean where there is a couple sleeping in bed and then the dudes car alarm goes off and he looks out the window and there is a roster on top of the car and then the screen says SILENCE YOUR ROOSTER with and 800 number. then theres another commercial about it. same couple thing but the girls hairdryer goes off. she gets up and looks in her bathroom and there is a rooster pressing the button and the screen says SILENCE YOUR ROOSTER. what does it mean!?!??!????




  1. The rooster is the widely known symbol as the animal that awakes people with his c**k-a-doodle-doo sound. In the context of the statement silencing  a rooster, this implies that if you keep the rooster quiet you, and others, will remain asleep. The Internet identifies examples that are meant to be humorous regarding how to silence your rooster, for example, dynamite; rocks; wife’s cooking; etc.... News archives identify similar terms and examples dating back to the early - mid 1900s.

    More directly to answer your question, Sanofi-Aventis uses this concept for marketing their sleeping medication AmBienCR; whose sponsors the web page The relationship here is that by taking their medicine you will be able to "silence" your “rooster” figuratively the rooster may be insomnia; and therefore you will sleep.

  2. getting a good night sleep

  3. It is an ad for not getting caught playing with your rooster, just remember if you touch it more than twice you are playing with it!

  4. the rooster symbolizes the dude's insomnia.  He can't get to sleep because the rooster (insomnia) keeps him up in different ways like setting off his car alarm or turning on the hair dryer.  If you go to you will find all the tv clips, a rooster game (where you whack a rooster with a pillow, "silencing" your rooster and ending your insomnia), and a coupon for Ambien CR.

  5. LOL.  This ad is a joke for advertising sleeping pills

    I just seen this ad and Google it.  

    Just checkout and you will see this is all over a sleeping pill

  6. It is an advertisement for a medication you can give to your rooster so that it sleeps through the night. That way, your rooster won't keep you up at night by setting off your neighbors car alarm, turning the hair dryer on, or telephoning you from a pay phone across the street. I have found that by reducing the amount of coffee my rooster drinks helps him sleep better at night. I don't think roosters need medication to help them sleep.
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