
Silent refluxes and gaviscon..?

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My 4 month old was diagnosed with silent refluxes and GP prescribed infan gaviscon sachets to be added to her bottle.

Have you guys used that before with your babies and was it effective,..? For how long did you use it..? Pls share your experience with me...

Also I was thinking could it be better if we try a thickened formula before trying gaviscon..? Or would it make a difference if we put the baby on solids..?

Thanks a million guys...




  1. go with what your doctor has said.

    I'm 21 and have gastrointestinal refulx and gaviscon (adult) helps a lot.

    Reflux is REALLY uncomfortable so best to stick to doc's orders. I've had it since I was 16 and it sucks!

  2. hi i had my son on gaviscon infant he was only on it for 3 days and he came out in a rash from it, also i cant say it helped the acid from coming up, also the thickening of the formula didnt work for us either it just really clogged him up.

    but suprisingly for my last resort i took my son to a natropath and i have to say the medication she has given to me to give him is working... so maybe try going to see one and see if that works for your daughter.

    good luck

  3. My daughter did have silent reflux, we had a choice of infant gaviscon or thickened formula. I had already purchased the infant gaviscon and it worked out fairly dear for sachets per bottles, it also didn't really work for her. The thickened formula by karicare (AR) worked a treat, she barely threw up and her screaming settled down within a day of the feeds. A tin of formula was around $20 and that was all you needed to buy, where as the gaviscon was purchased on top of the tin of formula, but this depends on if your child has a real problem with the acid bit of the reflux (burning their oesophagus). But also if their feed stays in their belly they don't have the acid reach their oesophagus anyway. With the thickened formula you can make it before hand and refrigerate but it will be really thick and sometimes babies have problems to get it out of the bottle even with a fast flow teat, I used to have the boiled water in the bottles in the fridge, bottle time...heat it up, measure out the thickened formula and shake, then feed, it thickens in the stomach and should barely come back up (if it does it is tiny amounts and doesn't seem to make they cry from hurt).

    My advice would be weigh up your options, cost and I would leave solids out of the equation until you get the reflux under control...a lot of babies with reflux associate swallowing with pain and might not like the solid food yet.

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