
Silhouettes at Disneyland? this is a question for anyone who has gotten a silhouette from disneyland?

by  |  earlier

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how much does it cost to get one silhouette but 2 frames for the left and right side? so basically how much would it cost in all to have one silhouette but buy 2 frames? second, how much would it cost to get 2 silhouettes done plus 2 frames?? please let me know if you really know?!?!?




  1. During my last trip I passed the Silhouette Studio and decided to get mine done, Silhouettes cost $7. You get your silhouette but you also get another copy of it reversed for free. They turn out really good. I only bought one of the frames (which were really pretty and worth the purchase) which were 9 dollars. So I'm pretty sure it would amount to $18 dollars for 2 of their frames unless they had a deal to get 2 for a cheaper price. At the same time, the woman that did my silhouette said that they were going to be raising the prices soon but didn't say when. This was just one week ago, so the prices may be different, but I doubt it.

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