
Silk (soy milk) from non-refrigerated boxes?

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Well, I buy my SILK soymilk in bulk from BJ's wholesale (NY). It comes in non-refrigerated Quart sized boxes. (you refrigerate after opening).

My question is:

Well at first I was extremely skeptical about non-refrigerated (soy) milk. Mainly because the high spoilage rate of cow's milk. Its not bad at all though, and much cheaper in this form but there seems to be sediment on the bottom of each carton. I attributed it to protein coagulation, but i'm not 100% sure of that explanation. Has anyone else noticed this, on any of their boxed soymilk, or perhaps could explain it.




  1. "Little Miss Muffett sat on her Tuffet eating her curds and whey."

    The white stuff is bean curd and is a natural occurrence.  If you shake the milk thoroughly before breaking the seal, and each time you use it shake it with your finger over the plastic spout cover it will go into suspension while pouring.

    The shelf life of non-refrigerated Soy Milk is over 6 months, so I only buy it when it is on sale and that way I get it a lot cheaper, and I drink about a half gal a week.  i love it because, it tastes good and it keeps my cholesterol in tolerable levels without medications.

  2. go with hole milk :]

  3. Try 8th continent it's better.

  4. I live in Australia and we have both fresh(refrigerated)  & boxed non refridgerated (longlife) we call it. But answer your question YES longlife soymilk does has sediment in the bottom it even tell you on the box to "shake well before use" Sorry i have no idea why this happens.

  5. Not too long ago I saw an episode of "How It's Made" were they showed how non-refrigerator milk boxes are made.  I can't find that episode so here's a story link.

  6. Well, it says shake well on the carton because separation occurs. The sediments at the bottom are probably there because you aren't shaking the carton before you drink the soy milk.

  7. Okay it only needs to be refrigerated after it been open because when you open it it becomes exposed to bacteria and sediment is natural just shake before use

  8. I buy Silk Soy from the refridgerator section, and yes I have noticed the sediment. I try to shake it well each time before drinking. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I think the longer the product sits, the more chance of the sediment solidifying making it hard to mix.

  9. I've noticed it too. I THINK it's just because they tend to sit in storage longer, and with less moves to shake them up than the stuff that has to be refrigerated from the start.

  10. I sometimes see that, but if you shake the carton hard, it goes away.

  11. "Soy milk" isn't actually milk, hence why you don't need to refrigerate it.

    The sediment at the bottom is probably the soy beans not being crushed adequately enough.

  12. Just shake it up, it's really not "milk".

  13. I'm not really sure what you are trying to ask here, but its okay for soy milk to be unrefrigerated until opened. its not animal mucus. so its okay. not even anything close.  i have been drinking soy milk for years. this stuff can last a really long time.

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