
Silly Dems, don't you know the media screwed you?????

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It's unbelievable to see how the media is treating the Palin Family, but they really have no choice. I'll explain why. The media pretty much elected Obama over the stronger and more experienced candidate and didn't cover several things that should have eliminated him early from the race. Some of these things did come to light near the end of the race and allowed Hillary to almost beat him. The media has no choice to make up for their mistake and they do this by trying to destroy who ever is in their way. If they would throw Hillary under the bus they have know problem trying to ruin a family from Alaska. It doesn't matter what side your on as much as how this media can fix an election and destroy people's lives. This election will backfired against them and they will loose the election because of their bias. Obama also got screwed by the media, he should have been given more time to gain the experience he needs. He could have also been given more time to disassociate himself with certain figures which are due to bring him down and completely ruin his chances of running in the future. So when you Dems lose don't blame anyone except the media.




  1. So is the media responsible for Bush's election and re-election too?

    This idea that the media elected Obama is hogwash--I guess you don't remember the Wright story, huh?

  2. The media has clearly shown its vicious and Unamerican ways in their treatment of the Palin family

    That is gonna hurt Obama badly in November

  3. The band plays on in Minnesota as hurricane threatens Americans in Louisiana.

    'Hookers and Blow' at RNC Lobby Party  

  4. If you try real hard you might be able to cram another talking point or two into your diatribe.

  5. LOL, keep dreaming.  Obama hardly had any competition before this...but now all this has added is that now McCain looks like a boob.

  6. Silly Republican. Haven't you realized your candidates are hypocrites and liars.

  7. I work with a lot of Obama backers and they were backers long before the media got involved. Believe it or not people have a mind of the own. I do live in Chicago umm Obama and family is from Chicago and Chicago is a huge fan. He must have done something right!  My Dad went and saw Obama live and he came back saying this man has a brilliant mind. You don't get to where he is without having something special going on.  

  8. Ok..what are you going to say if the Republicans lose? Who will we blame?

    Can't we all just get along. ??

    There is so much finger pointing going on and its starting to get old.  

  9. Like we're too stupid to make up our own minds?

    Don't make too much of experience.  Carter was more experienced than Reagan.  Reagan won.  Bush the Elder was more experienced than Clinton.  Clinton won.  Gore was more experienced than W.  W. won

    James Buchanan had a wealth of experience.  He was one of our worst Presidents. Abraham Lincoln had 2 years in the House in the 1840's.

  10. I don't get it. You are not a logical person.

  11. Dude, you have a lot to learn. Anyone who says "the media" as if there is one giant corporation controlling the airwaves obviously doesn't understand how "the media" works.

  12. What are you rambling on? I think that in order for someone to be involved in an intelligent debate about politics, they should brush up on their grammar: then there is know chance you will loose the argument, right?........

    Anyway, what "things" did they not cover? And what does experience have anything to do with it? Experience to what, do the same thing that every president does before? How about someone WITHOUT experience. Someone who will try new things, make errors out of trials, not errors out of being a blatant politician who doesn't really care about the people he represents. Go ahead, vote for McCain, and watch as NOTHING HAPPENS.  

  13. Keep drinking the cool aide bro!

    Have you seen the latest polls?  Obama's lead is only growing with the innane choice of Palin as McCains veep.  McCain has done more to boost Obama in the polls than could have been hoped for.  All the dems are chuckling with glee over the Palin catastrophe.

  14. {{{{{{{{{{{{{APPLAUDS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}...

  15. actually belive this, interesting.

  16. Obama was all but dragged through the mud in the primary season. He saw his time in the interrogation booth, and with dignity I might add.

    Palin is new to the race and it's to be expected that she be examined. And it shouldn't have anything to do with her family. But if you've listened to the major democratic pundits, they're biggest issues with her have NOTHING to do with her family, even then there's plenty to discuss. After all she wants to be one of the top positions as it relates to US foreign policy. Think we might want to give her the work up before she goes toe to toe with some of the nastiest of the nasties of the world?

    Honestly dude, I think you're just trying make yourself feel better.

  17. What's the flavor of the Kool Aid that your drinking?

    Please explain why this wouldn't be the thing to do for a responsible parent?

    John, I appreciate the offer but my daughter is going through an out of wedlock pregnancy.  Pregnancy is hard enough as it is without public scutiny. I am being investigated for wrong doing in the firing of my ex brother in law from the State Troopers. Even though i have done nothing wrong. I don't what to be a distraction to you and ultimately cause you to lose. So I respectfully decline.

    Because she didn't do this. Palin's blind ambition has done this to her daughter. she and she alone is responsible for the media frenzy around her daughter. If she doesn't offer the dogs of the media raw meat they wouldn't be feeding now.

  18. Sure.  And when you Cons lose, don't blame anyone except your candidates.

    BTW...what time is that bus coming that McCain is going to throw Palin under if he loses?  

  19. Excellent point, thank you.  Our media is definitely suicidal towards the USA, it points out all the bad and very little of the good.

  20. I take it your not a journalism major and your case is weak.

    The media is just giving the Palin family the same treatment they gave Obama when his preacher was on the scandal page.

    If you can dish it out you have to be willing to take it.

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