
Silly question, I know, but?

by  |  earlier

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is there a national average of - toilet sheets to a*se ratio, and if there is what's your average? ;-)




  1. no

    theres not a national average


  2. not a silly q. it makes good sense to talk about these things, but you could have said how many you use.. i use about five and twice over but i use water and wet the paper so it gently washes my bum i have a small bucket of water next to the toilet to wet the paper and i use unbleached recycled paper which goes into my garden as compost .. i have a dry composting toilet near my vegie garden ... i think when you use dry paper it cases damage to the sensitive tissue in the r****m and also smears the excrement acsoss the outside of you skin leaving it unclean

    so also i squat over the toilet to align the collon

    while exreating. this is a huge problem in western culture ie the way we sit on the toilet and the food we eat , and is the cause of most ailments . unhealthy collon.

  3. Don't know why you would **** that sort of question really

  4. well if you mean how many sheets it depends on the paper

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