
Silly question? Feeding a 10-month old........?

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I'm trying to get away from those nasty jarred foods and start giving my son what we eat for meals each day, but how do I know he's getting enough to eat? It's so easy to measure his intake with the jar foods (he usually has 1/2 jar). He loves finger foods, but tends to hold them captive in his cheeks like a chipmunk for a while before actually eating it.....I'm afraid he won't "tell" me when he's full and just keep shoving the food in his cheeks!!!! Am I putting too much thought into this?





    you can get much information in this website, If you will check anyone blue link in website.

  2. LOL, That reminds me of the other day after lunch Johnny took a nap.  Well, he had some cheese at lunch.... Then when he woke up after the nap, there was this white stuff in his mouth and I couldn't figure out what the heck it was... Come to find out, it was some cheese, LOL  He was hoarding it as a snack for after naptime I guess.  :)

    I let Johnny eat until he is playing with his food more than eating it.  I take that as a cue that he's full.

  3. I agree with Johnny's mommy. I let Ian eat until he starts playing with his food. Once I notice he's playing I'll say 'in your mouth' and he either keeps eating and I'll keep feeding or he'll keep playing which means it's time to clean up.

    And yes..I think you're putting too much thought into it ;)

  4. the simple fact is he needs zero non-milk foods so he is getting enough.

    However a "serving" is about 2tbsp at that age.

    And if he shoves it in his cheeks and carries it around but is full he will eventually leave it somewhere =))

  5. Just experiment with portion sizes until you get it right, babies know when they are not hungry anymore. I am sure he lets you know with the jar food, it should be the same with anything else.

  6. Some of the jarred foods aren't that bad to be honest.  We always taste what we feed her before we feed her.  But, she's decided in the last few days that she's ready to be mostly on our plates and eating what we eat, and will only eat a little bit of a can at a time.

    Honestly, I don't worry about how much she's getting so long as she's still gaining weight and having enough diapers for me to know what's normal and what's not.  She's good at telling us when she's done, and REALLY good at telling us if the food has run out before she was done.  Oh, she gets so MAD....

    As for the cheeks... we don't have that problem since after meals we practice at gum-teeth brushing (with non-flouride children's safe toothpaste or none at all.)  So... everything gets removed.

    I guess what I'm saying is just start feeding what you're eating and don't worry.  If he's still hungry, he'll let you know that just like he did when he went from having a tiny jar of food to a larger one.  Or a few ounces of milk to more if you were unlucky like me and had to formula feed.

  7. i would agree w/ johnny mom my 11 month is eating  big people food now i feed him until he turns his head away or until he starts playing with his food. after he is done eating if he is hungry again he will let you know.  but make sure he is getting his fruits and vegs still.  1 food you can try w/ him is the graduate meals. my son loves them

  8. "how do I know he's getting enough to eat?"

    His appetite will be satisfied. Seriously. The same way you know you're getting enough to eat -- not hungry anymore.

    "It's so easy to measure his intake with the jar foods"

    Yes, but _who cares_ if baby has half a jar or one jar or whatever? There is absolutely nothing to support any idea that a baby of X age or X weight needs X amount of X food. Just nurse on demand and don't worry about the quantity of food getting eaten.

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