
Silly question. Is it possible...Sunburn/tan on my dog???

by Guest56521  |  earlier

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I adopted Chuy in early May... I've been noticing over at least the last month or so that his skin is darkening! He doesn't seem to be itchier than usual (normal doggie scratches here and there) and the skin doesn't appear to be sensitive (doesn't shy away from touches or petting). Its really only on his lower parts, basically where his fur isn't as thick (belly/groin area, lower legs, etc). There aren't any bumps or other abnormalities. His energy level/mood hasn't changed. SO... Could this darkened skin really just be a doggy tan from all the nice days outside??

If so, is it harmful? Would sunscreen be advised or even realistic?

If not, any ideas what else it could be?? His food hasn't changed since his third week home. No new shampoos, flea or heartworm meds.

Thanks for any help. :)




  1. Yes it is possible for a dog to get a sunburn, especially those with lighter colored skin.  Don't use a human sunscreen, they sell doggy friendly ones at pet stores.

  2. Yes, is is possible. If you want to be sure just go to the vet I think he will give you some doggie cream for sunburn.

  3. It is possible to get a sunburned nose but, body I'm not too sure of. Maybe this dog started out lighter skin and then, with aging and growing up he got darker. Allergies can develop over a perioud of time from food or maybe your dog has had an allergic reaction from a bee sting, etc.    

  4. Yes, it is possible for a dog to get sunburned.  Have you had him checked by the vet? It is possible that it could be something else, but dogs (and cats) can get sunburned and suntanned.

  5. haha, funny you say that

    i have 2 poodles aka the sissy ankle bitters, and when i let them out to go to the bathroom i notice they lay out in the sun like they're tanning it's pretty funny. But I would put some spf 15 on your dog just to be safe, im sure your dog likes it and if it was hurting him, he would show signs physically.

  6. tanning is possible yes, but the skin on a dog, especially in the lower 'area' sometimes tends to darken. This is a REALLY comprehensive list of problems that may be the cause of or symptoms of the dark spots.

    But more than likely it is nothing.

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