
Silly question about beginning solids...?

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I know that babies are supposed to start the solids when they are 6 months old. The doctor has already given us the ok to start then. He will be 6 months, one month from tomorrow...BUT... I am wondering if it would be ok to start him 2 weeks early (rice cereal once a day). So I would start him in 2's why....(dont laugh). I live in Canada and Thanksgiving is in the beginning of October and I would like to have him eating some solids so he can eat his first thanksgiving dinner with us (I'm not talking about a plate of turkey and taters etc...) I would like to give him some "real" food for Thanksgiving and if I start him a few weeks early he will be eating real food by the time he is 6 months...right??

Actually, I'm adding another does this work? Rice cereal (I know lots of people think its unnecessary but that's what we're doing), and then what?? More cereal or "real" food? I will be making his "baby food" as the jarred stuff grosses me right out..

Any and all advice would be really mommy is very confused...

Many thanks to all....

(ps. please hold all rude comments to yourself....I am CURRENTLY not interested in letting him feed himself, I want him to get used to "eating" before I hand over the reins)




  1. I have kids in there 20s and back then it was considered fine to start on rice cereal much younger than now ,so I really don't see how a few weeks will hurt ! ..I did rice cereal ,then some mashed banana ,maybe a little pumpkin or carrots ,apple ,that kind of thing mashed ,I did not always buy the baby food preferring to mash my own ,by one year old they basically had the same as us only cut up or mashed ...avoid allergy prone foods like strawberry's ,honey ,eggs ,bread ,peanuts till later .I dont think its silly to want his first thanksgiving to be special...

  2. You're in luck! Some great first foods are also typical Thanksgiving dinner food ... potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash. You can add one new food every three or four days.

    If you're going to start with cereal, I would recommend oats over rice. Rice can be really binding and cause a lot of gas. Whatever you choose, look for whole-grain cereal, preferably organic.

  3. You can start cereal between 4-6 months, so it'll be fine.  Start w/ rice, mix it with breast milk or formula to make it runny.  Try that for 1 week.  Try every food for 5-7 days to make sure there's no allergic reaction.  Then try oatmeal, then barley cereal, then mixed cereal.  Next start on veggies & go through them all.  Then start fruit.  And last meat.  Do not feed him tomatoes, berries, citrus type foods, or dairy until he is at least 1 yr.  Do not feed him peanut butter, nuts, honey, etc until he is at least 2 yrs.  There's no need to add anything like salt or sugar etc, & make sure it's blended real thin.  

  4. He should be just fine starting a few weeks early ... and at about 9 months my son was eating table food I would just squish it real real good ..he wouldnt touch baby food from a jar he would gag real bad ...he did love the cereal though  

  5. start him now, but dont be surprised if he doesnt take to it right away!

  6. Cereal is fine and start him early if you want. After he gets used to the cereal or rice, and you want to add fruits or veggies one at a time, puree them. You don't like the jarred food so do that.

    Baby cereal is necessary. It has nutrients that your baby needs. Puree the sweet potatoes at thanksgiving too.

    i started my daughter on cereal when she was 4 months old so he will be fine.

  7. you can start cereal and solids as early as 4 months, whenever you think you're baby is ready.  our son was ready at 3 months, our youngest daughter didn't eat solids til about 7 months.  if your kid is ready, try it.  the progression is supposed to be cereal, veggies, fruits, pureed meat and/or dairy.  if he's ready for cereal, try it.  if he's not, he'll let you know.  babies don't eat what they don't want and don't eat when they aren't hungry.  i made our own baby food, it was easier and cheaper and it didn't seem as nasty as the stuff in the jar, but i don't puree meat.  we just hold off on that til later.  the reason for veggies before fruit is so the kid doesn't get a taste for the sweet and then turn his nose up at the veggies.  your baby will lead you if you let him, try stuff and if he doesn't care for it, put it away and try it again in a week.  just cuz they don't like it this week doesn't mean they don't like it.

    making baby food - get a stick blender (looks like what it's called, it's tall and thin and has a rotating blade at the bottom) and you can just put it down in the can or container you'll be storing in.  another good tip, poor baby food (and even cereal) into an ice cube tray and freeze, that way you can make a lot at once and then when you're ready to feed you just thaw one cube at a time.  after the cubes are frozen, you can remove them to a freezer container or zip top bag.

  8. Although it is ok to start at 6 months, it is not recommended to introduce too many foods at one time.  Personally, I started my kiddos with veggies as first foods at the recommendation of our midwife.  She found that allergies were more common with introduction of grains earlier than 1 year old.  I applaud you for making your own food -- it's tons cheaper and has a lot more nutrition.

    As far as Thanksgiving goes, your baby will be too young to know he's missing out. There will be plenty of holidays coming up for his "firsts."  

  9. Firstly, no doctor will ever know when your child is ready for something better than you will. I started feeding my child, who rarely choked, on rice cereal when she was 2 1/2 months old. She was hungry, and as a result she slept very well at night because she was full of solid food instead of just liquid. She was never overweight and still isn't to this day. I started feeding her stage 1 jarred food by 3 1/2 months and scrambled eggs, yogurt, and soft peas by 6 months. By the time she was 1, she wanted nothing to do with a bottle when she could have food instead. So I really don't think it would hurt to try a little earlier. As long as he doesn't choke, vomit, or have some reaction, keep feeding him because he will appreciate real food and a different flavor. If you prefer to make his own baby food, puree soft veggies and fruits with milk/formula or water until it turns to an almost liquid consistency and don't add any sugar, spices, or salt. Babies usually don't like spiced or salty foods at first, but then again you never know. (but I wouldn't recommend salting baby food) You might want to try and let him use a slow-flow sippy cup now too. It will save his teeth to not drink a bottle all the time anymore. And he might enjoy a cup of WATERED down baby juice. (too much sugar in it)

    Even though you are a new mom, rely on your own instincts, you will know what is right. And if he is interested in your food, he is ready to try and eat.

  10. I started both of my children at 4 months with rice cereal and baby food. Each different type of food you give that is new wait a week before introducing anything else that new to make sure there is no allergy to it.

    Go ahead start a couple weeks early it will do no harm!

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