
Silly question but has anyone ever wondered how does all the amniotic fluid get inside?

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I was wondering, How does it form in there?

Where does it come from?

Where does so much fluid come from if there's none in there until you get pregnant?




  1. It's kind of like how your body generate others fluids, like blood, saliva.

    Men generate s***n.

    A gland create its.

    It probably consists mostly of water.

  2. i used to know this from ap bio...but i forgot...but our body is cool like that. it makes stuff wen we need it and not always cuz its not neccessary.

  3. that is a good question i do know that when you drink it gives the baby more fuilds but how that works i dont know

  4. duh milk... milk is amniotic fluid

  5. Very early in pregnancy, the fluid around the baby is the result of active transport of sodium and chloride (basically salt and water)across the fetal membranes juxtaposed to maternal tissues. As the salt moves, water follows passively. By the end of first trimester (between 8 and 11 weeks), however, an increasing proportion of amniotic fluid is the result of fetal urine production and later on production and expulsion from the fetal lungs. At the same time the fetal kidneys become the major source of amniotic fluid production, fetal swallowing and the lower gastrointestinal tract become the major means of removing that fluid from around the baby. In other words, the baby pees, then swallows it, then reabsorbs the fluid and passes it back (and forth) across the placenta to the mother. (It is this thought that tends to gross out the parents, so thank goodness the baby usually doesn’t p**p much in utero).

  6. most of it is ur baby's urine!!!!! seriously!!!

  7. I would just like to point out a mistake in other answers.  Amniotic fluid is your baby's urine, BUT...when it first gets there, it isn't.  Once they can swallow they start swallowing it in, and peeing it back out.

  8. the kid pees it out

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