
Silver Pans with Copper bottoms, how do I clean them?

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These pans are heavy duty pans and I would like them to "shine" again.

The copper I can get clean, but the silver part does not shine, any ideas?

Bar Keepers friend maybe??




  1. Depends on what the silver part is made of.  Brass cleaner might do it,

    or Tarnex.  But that stuff really stinks!

    Good Luck!

  2. use SOS or Brillo and a lot of elbow grease

  3. yes barkeepers friend is really good if you can find it in your area.

  4. I am assuming they are stainless steel?  Use any stainless steel cleaner.  I find it in the oven cleaner section at Wal-mart.  I wouldn't use a SOS, they will scratch.  My mom recently bought a new set of heavy duty pans with copper bottoms and the sales lady told her there is a product especially for stainless pots and pans, although I don't know the name of it, sorry.  Just do some research online and I am sure you will find something.

  5. Depending on the metal from which the pan is made a light abrasive material like Dutch Cleanser,a scouring sponge and much rubbing will make the pans shine like new.

  6. Bar Keepers should do the trick and won't scratch your pans.  Don't use anything abrasive.  They may shine but they will show the scratches.  If you have quality pans, you don't want to scratch them.  

  7. I use SOS on both parts of my Revereware. After more than 80 years of service they stay fairly shiny with this method. I have used BarKeepersFriend and Comet and several other things as well. Just the polishing with round and round motion of the SOS pads seems to work best.

    These were my mothers kettles and skillets. They have been used on campfires, wood cookstoves, gas stoves, electric stoves and in the fireplace on occasion. They have been burnt beyond belief several times as well.

    If they don't get a bit scratched it means you are not using them!! I would much rather see scratched stainless than nice new shiny stuff that only hangs on the wall.

  8. The best thing to use is a product called Cameo. Its in a can kind of like AJAX. I use that on all my Stainless Steel pots and pans, sprinkle Cameo on area use a SOS pad with some water and start scrubbing not to hard. Rinse and they will sparkle. My mother taught me that trick. (Easy) it costs about $1.25 at the Supermarket. Good Luck

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