
SilverFish help please? Thanks to all! 10Pts easy question!!?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, heres the down-low

I saw a thing that happend to look like a "SliverFish" at the end of my bed crawing on a blaket I have at the end of my bed (red blanket) and I only saw one, I just put clean sheets on today b4 i saw this sliverFish, I inspected my bed and didnt see anymore, why do you think there was a sliverfish on my bed, the blanket was not wet and i have noting Damp on my bed, please help! thank you (oh and do you think there are going to be anymore?) PS IF THIS HELPS my mother and I re-did my room and painted it and moved my bed and stuff, could that have any affect on this? if so, why? thanks everyone again!




  1. spray it with vinegar

  2. okay well silver fish usually live outside and typcally lay 300 eggs at a time the best thing to do is cleen as much as you can... they can go up to a year with out eating to you just need to clean and this may sound strange but use a bleach solution thats hoew i got rid of mine!!!

  3. silverfish like high humidity, but this does not have to mean wet or damp. I would guess the silverfish came from the attic, if there is a light fixture over the bed it found it's way out there and fell on the bed below. For my customers with chronic silverfish problems hanging a pest strip or two in the attic really seems to help. Dekko makes a silver fish bait that you can also place in the attic or in closet and dresser drawers

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