

by  |  earlier

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I just was sitting in my room, minding my own business, and all of a sudden a bug crawls RIGHT across my pillow. I jumped, smashed it. It's the first and only one I've ever seen in here.

My room has central air, and I always keep a fan on at night. What does this mean? Should I be worried, or can just maybe one get in?




  1. Your O.K.

    Bugs Have the ability to get through small cracks. It must've came from outside. Did you leave a window or door open? If it was any bigger than 2 inches.I would've called an exterminator and asked what it is and what can I do to get rid of the pest.If the problem persists then I would call an Exterminator.

  2. If it is silverfish the best thing to use is moth balls and hand them in your cupboard
You're reading: Silverfish/Firebrats?

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