
Similac organic formula?

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I am using similac organic formula, my daughter has been having a lot of gas...has anyone used this formula before? are there other organic formula that are better? do you like using similac organic? her gas might not be from the formula, she takes in a lot of air when she eats due to her cleft palate and she is hard to burp




  1. Kiddos with clefts take in more air than others..Have you tried "gas drops" at all? Even when my daughter was on Soy and gas drops, it was still a problem..Smaller amounts, more often was about the only thing that worked for her..It did does get better when they start to sit up by themselves..(My daughter was born with a unilateral cleft lip and palate)....If you go to there is an 800 number that I believe they answer 24/7...They also might have an idea or suggestion on what parents use for formula and what works..Good luck to you!!

  2. My 6 month old girl loves Similac Organic!! It's the only formula she'll eat, and she is never gassy at all. Actually, she was gassy initially, but we weren't using a very good bottle. So we started using Born Free vented glass bottles and she stopped having any signs of gassiness. Although the bottle is more expensive, it was definitely worth not having my baby crying a whole lot. You might try getting a really good vented glass bottle, if you don't already use one; I think it may help in preventing your daughter from taking in a lot of air when she's feeding. Good luck!

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