
Similarities and differences between equines and cows...?

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For this discussion please pick two dis-similar species of animals and compare similarities in both animal care an nutrition.

The two species are equines and cows.




  1. iam sorry no idea

  2. Still working on that animal science aren't ya? Well I'm an insomniac so here it goes.Both require a diet mainly composed of roughage and can consume 1-2 percent of body weight each day depending on production and activity level. Both can colic (upset stomach) if feed a diet with too much concentrate (grain usually). Care should be taken when feeding cows to clear all metal or strings out of feed so they don't puncture gut or cause colic. Horses must have teeth floated (chiseled down) and both species must have their feet trimmed by a ferrier regularly. Deworming,vaccinating (vacca-cow,first vaccine was for cowpox:),fly control are needed for all.

  3. we eat and milk cows

    we ride horses (in the US) although horse is eaten throughout the world.

  4. Diet is similar, but because horses aren't ruminants (they don't chew a cud) they are less efficient at digesting grass, so additional grain is required.  Because horses have upper upper incisors, while cows lack them, horses can graze grass closer to the ground and cause damage to the pasture.

    Horses generally require much more care.  First, horses have manes and tails that require trimming and their coats require grooming.  Second, their molars become uneven and most be floated so that they can efficiently chew their food.  Third, hoof and foot care is very important to horses.  Regular visits by a farrier is required.  Fourth, and most importantly, horses require a lot of training to be useful to us.  Cows just need to eat and drink to provide all of that wonderful beef and dairy products.

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