
Similarities between a spider and crayfish?

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its a similarlity that both animals have




  1. well, they both take extreme care for their eggs, they are solitary predators, they have compound eyes, they both have 8 legs, they have complex mouthparts, they are both extremely resilient creatures, they are frighteningly territorial, and they are cannibalistic.

  2. eyes, mouth, head, hair, life.

  3. They look similar, but only because the design works. Crayfish and spiders split up a long time, probably from prehistoric sea scorpion species. One group walk up on land and over time because land arachnids, while the other group stay in the sea. Both thrives from the beginning of life on earth to modern times. So yes hey are as related to each other as we are to Jurassic rodents. :)

  4. They are both of the phylum Arthropoda. " Joint foot. " a segmented body with appendages and they molt out of their exoskeleton.

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