
Simon Peter said to him, "Let Mary leave us, for women are not worthy of life."Jesus said, "I myself

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...shall lead her in order to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every woman who will make herself male will enter the kingdom of heaven."

What does Jesus mean by 'every woman who will make herself male'?




  1. That isn't in the Bible. That is in the Gospel of Thomas, which was a collection of supposed "sayings of Jesus" without any context. It was left out of the canon because it was believed to have not been written close to the timeline of Jesus' life as the other gospels were and because it was believed to be a forgery.

    That verse in particular is believed to have been added much later as the earliest copies (which date to the mid second century) do not contain it.

  2. Where did you read this???  

    Seriously, I've never seen that in my life - certainly not in the Bible.   Did you get that from a Bible???   <")))><

  3. It means making youself like Adam... meaning being wholely connected to the source ( god )Women are conneced to theyre husbands and then to (god) at this time women had no rights or nothing only men did

  4. wow i wanna know the answer to that now too

  5. which bible are you reading from?? I have never seen this.

  6. That's not in the BIble; doesn't sound authentic in any case.  I wouldn't worry about "What does Jesus mean" since He obviously didn't say it.

  7. Are you quoting from the bible?

    Which chapter and verse did this come from?

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