
Simple Easy Riddle???

by  |  earlier

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If you went in a room with no windows

and no doors and there was nothing inside...

how would you get out???




  1. how did i get into the room from the first place??????

    well that's not an answer...personally if i by some wierd miracle got into that non opened room i'd wait until the same way i got in gets me out (i'm patient)

  2. do you mean you as in me or you as in you? if its me you then I would stop thinking about the room. if it is you you then stop asking this question.

  3. Um you didn't say no walls and no ceilings. So you just walk out or climb out.

  4. A better question would be how did you get in

  5. the same way I got in

  6. how did we went inside if there were no windows and no doors  

  7. hmm....i wouldnt enter it in the first place  ( not bec i couldnt get in in the first place , i tend to disapparate in nd out of places)    bt it would be incredibly stupid nd borin to disapparate inside!

    hey k i get why u said there is noway u can get out ther cause its like a box    bt why did u say there's nothing inside whats the point in this sentence!!

  8. How do you get into it in the first place?

    By the way,

    I'd love to know the clue!!!

  9. Dig with hands.

    Small wall = jump

    Is there even a wall? since nothing inside?

    -stop imagining 0.o

    -Yell for someone outside to help.

    -Dig with hands again =)

    -Nothing inside?? meaning not even you since people bodies are things.

    - meaning no door = the whole from the door still there?

    - you die since there is no air 0.o

  10. I cannot get in because there were no door and a window,

  11. I'm guessing the room is a dream. To get out of that dream, you should wake up.

  12. i would not be able to get into the room in the first place because the room has no windows and no doors!!! so how could i enter the room?!!!

  13. back track

  14. I shall use the magical powers of my cheesecake

  15. I would wake up, and stop dreaming...!

  16. you dont know tht...................HAHAHAHA



    never mind nor do i.

    .....nyways wht's the answer?
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