
Simple Internet Question, Newbie Need Your Help, 10pts kudos for Best Solution!

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The house itself is signed up with Cox for internet service. However I want to sign up for a seperate internet connection all for myself, a total seperate connection from the main house. Is that possible?

All I need is a cheap, wireless connection for my laptop (under $30 is ideal)...any ideas?

I am located in Arizona...Thanks!




  1. Talk to your phone company.You can get dsl for under $30 a month easily.

  2. well i know with dial up many will get a second direct line just for internet but cox cable is probably selling you broadband so in theory you could just get another modem on your cable system and it would work fine. you would just need a two way splitter to split the cable line before it goes into your existing modem. i'm not sure how much this will cost but it couldn't be to much. call your local Cox office and ask, it couldn't hurt.  

  3. You might be able to get a solo internet connection just for yourself through Cox, talk to them about setting that up and they should be able to do it. If you mean your laptop doesn't have a wireless card and you need wireless internet access, go to a Best But (or similar) and pick up a wireless USB adapter.  

  4. This is maybe not what your looking for but I am very far away from you so I can't really suggest any ISPs for you. :)

    What about sharing your house's internet connection with a Wi-Fi router or an Access Point? That will give you Wireless Access and you don't even have to worry about the different bills of the ISP. It is just an idea. Just ignore it. ;) :D

  5. You could try SBC DSL.  Or DSL Extreme.  DSL Requires a telephone line

  6. If you have internet cable, it is not possible to have more than one account at the same location.  You can get something like dialup or even verizon's broadband but it is pricey.  

  7. you should get one of those cell phone internet laptop hookups. its just like having another cell phone, exept its the internet. You just plug it right into your laptop and hit connect and your up and running. i know alot of people who use it. runs off of cell towers too. thats probably your best bet.

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