
Simple Question: Is Tiger Woods the Best Athlete Ever?

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What do you guys think? Is he the best overall athlete ever? Who is better?




  1. no, one of the best in a specialized sport, as is michael jordan -(bskt. ball)

    the( best all-around athelete) would be some one that participates in a sport that involves aerobic,as well as neuro-muscular activity such as the iron man competition.  involves,swimming,cycling,and a marathon run.-also there are the decathalon atheletes, and some other atheletic events that require special physical demands such as gymnastics.So who is a better athelete? is the wrong question. NO-ONE is a better golf pro than Tiger-----yet!

  2. no he's not the best athlete, best golfer, YES, but...he's done nothing to show us his athleticism. Sure golf is a sport and takes some skill, but who knows if he can sprint fast, stop and go, jump, etc...things that we look at the quantify athleticism. He can play golf, but c'mon, do we really think he can play Football or Basketball where athleticism matters more? Maybe he can, but we haven't seen it...

  3. tiger is in the top 5

    but he has the top mental aspect of athletics

    i think nadal is the best athlete

  4. No one can claim the title of best athlete ever for several reasons. 1) The quality of competition during the tenure of the athlete; 2) The various media influences on the qualifications of the individual; 3) The popularity of the sport during the athlete's tenure 4)The poll taken when the athlete has retired from the sport. Tiger Woods is still an active member within the field of golf. He has exceeded neither the record for the most majors won nor the second place finishes in majors. He has not approached the most golf tournaments won by a pro golfer. Even though he is the dominant player in the sport today he will have to finish his career and have the statistics to say he was the best golfer. As for being the best athlete, that is conjecture at this time.

  5. i dont know in golf yes but overall good question

  6. No.

  7. There will always be people better than others, as time progresses the will be another "Tiger".

  8. simple answer: no.

  9. no doubt tiger is a great golfer and athlete, but the best ever, probably not.  there are athletes who excelled in more than one sport, eg babe didricksen zaharius.  can't pull up other names but pentathletes (5 events) and decathletes (10 events) and ironman athletes (3 long events) would have better claims to best overall athlete ever

  10. He's the best golfer ever;I would not compare him with athletes in other sports. That's not possible to make that comparison.

  11. Depends on whether you care about his steroid use. He doesn't have the career totals that other "best athletes ever" like Michael Jordan, Barry Bonds have Wayne Gretzky posted, but he could.

    When he drops into mediocrity, those who don't want to believe he's been taking steroids will say it all ended with the knee injury. I don't think he can be the same player once he's forced to stop juicing.

  12. no, Jim Thorpe was!

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