
Simple Question.?

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ok, this is just a simple question. I have never been on this section before and i dont want to here anything negative about illegals and minuitemen or whatever. Simple question. How come when illegals come to school here, there allowed. I mean, how come there not checked if there illegal or not. Could someone explain? simple question.




  1. Ibu is correct. The NEA also pushes for it so they can greatly increase their numbers.

  2. The Supreme Court has ruled in the past that children of illegal immigrants who themselves are illegal(if not born here) can attend public schools. Any attempt by authorities to determine immigration status of children attending public schools would be contrary to the decision in that it would deter those from attending. As a property owner paying property tax which funds public schools, this galls me somewhat. On the other hand I realize those children of illegal immigrants are likely to stay here and through education are much more likely to contribute to our society. Though it is costing me now, I think it is a good idea.

  3. A decision of the Supreme Court known as "Plylor."  All children up to age 16 afre required by law to attend school.  If the kid is here, legally or not, the kid goes to school.  Free education for the children is the ONLY benefit which persons not legally present in the US are allowed.

  4. Checking them was difficult until recently, and recently, some laws have been passed that prevents the schools from asking if they are illegal.
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