
Simple ? Who's Your Pick For President?

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Who is your choice for president? Obama or McCain. I'm for McCain.... Obama seems like a liar bt idk... you?




  1. What more could we ask for.  A qualified president and great looking VP that i not bought by the special interest groups.  McCain is the man and She will be ready to take over if He drops dead on day 1.

  2. Obama & Biden get my vote.

    McCain is prodraft, Palin is homophobic and against abortions, so I think my choice speaks for itself..

  3. OBAMA ! mcain is old and wats to conquer the world if you want peace go with obama but i really wanted ron paul but obama i would vote for now

  4. McCain for sure. He's not like Bush (much more moderate) and not as left as Obama.

    People are starting to view Obama is a "god like" way. I think it's crazy.  

  5. McCain/Padin

  6. MCCAIN 08!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Obama 08 Destroy racism.

  8. I am crazy and I like the choice of people that actually like America. I know, crazy.

  9. Obama, i mean were ****** either way the third anti christ is know to be be named "mabus" so you do the math kynna sounds like mccain but then again switch the letters up a bit and they sound like obama

    People 2012 is almost here , make the best of it

  10. Im for Obama.  as he said in his speech, we need a democrat.  Another Republican wont do us any good

  11. McCain/Palin!

  12. McCain!!!!

  13. what part of 8 is enough dont losers like you get im all for obama and more so mccain just handed the candidate ship to obama by his vp choice  

  14. OBAMA!!!!!!

  15. McCain..

    Not Obama Bin-Iden


    I'm African American, and getting so frustrated about the majority of Black people purely voting for him becuase of his race...Is being Black going to help this country & its problems? NO. But unfortunatelt even he always reminds us of his race with his many, many references to Martin Luther King Jr. He is a presidential candidate NOT a civil rights leader! AND Mccain actually knows what he is talking about with regards to the war. Obama wants to invade Pakistan, YES ITS TRUE, do we really want to invade ANOTHER country and juggle ANOTHER war.

    EDIT: 'hi' how will Obama destroy racism?! It is wrong for SOME White people to not want him because hes Black but its wrong for Black people to ONLY want him for that reason.

  16. Definitely Barack Obama.  He is about change which is what we need right now.  Mcain will die before anything changes...what is he like 75?

  17. Obama...Mccain is a liar and picked a Bimbo for a vp!

  18. I can't vote in the US, but I'd vote for Obama, McCain is a snake, which is why he picked a woman, to have the women's vote

  19. Obama.

  20. Obama baby =]

  21. McCain.. I'm f#%king Canadian and I'm still voting for McCain! HOW? I'll find a way...

    AND HOW ABOUT THAT HOT MILF  VP? I'd enact an EXECUTIVE ORDER in her OVAL OFFICE, if you know what I mean..

  22. I am voting for McCain, and now that he has Sarah for VP even more so.  We need more women in important position to help lead our country.

  23. Ah, America votes on Yahoo Answers! The republicans have been in charge in Washington, and look at our country! We have become the world's weakest bully, Bush and Chaney tap dance on the Constitution on a daily basis.  The Founding Fathers are choking in their graves. All Americans should be required to read and understand the Declaration of Independence, The Constitution and the Bill of Rights before being allowed to vote.

    Whoever you vote for, PLEASE read their position papers, educate yourself about the candidates, don't rely on ads, you have to be smarter than that!

  24. Im for McCain too, he has been with the government way longer then Obama. Obama is too much of a celeb.

  25. Obama. McCain's way too old: what if he gets a freaking heart attack and dies? "Whoops, sorry America. Looks like your prez kicked the bucket right after raising the senior citizen discounts so he and his rich buddies could get their Hannah Montana tickets 30% off. You're screwed"

    I don't think so.

  26. McCain.

  27. McCain put more change into his campaign then Barack Obama has done the past 8 months IN ONE ACTION.

    Barack talks, but he and his ideas aren't right for America, we do not need to be a socialist government with no private industry to survive!

    We can and will survive even if Barack is in office, if he makes any moves to move us to a socialism I say s***w him I am forming my own nation!

    I will split my house from the union and create a 1 house country!

    Obama got his political science degree from a hobo. I KNOW MORE ABOUT ECONOMICS THEN HIM AND BIDEN PUT TOGETHER.

    and whoever put that Palin is a homophobe and is against abortion,  are you homosexual and do you have abortions?

  28. Obama

  29. McCain!

  30. What You don't get it, McCain Has picked someone that only a few people even know This will go that he has No Conscience at all.

    I'm Still Voting for OBAMA, McCain Convinced me that he is still an Idiot and Happy B-Day McCain and Happy Anniversary Sarah That's all they'll get from me.

  31. McCain/Palin - the Patriotic American Ticket

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