
Simple algebra: even x even = odd? Is it possible?

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AND If the product of two numbers is positive, then the two numbers must both be positive. Find a counterexample.




  1. even x even is always even

    positive product means 2 factors had same sign; -2 • -2 = +4

  2. Statement: Assume x and y are even.  Then xy is even.

    Proof (by contradiction).

    Assume xy is odd.  It then follows that xy can be expressed in the form

    xy = 2k + 1 (for some integer k).  Therefore,

    xy - 1 = 2k

    Since x is even and y is even, they can be expressed as

    x = 2a (for some integer a)

    y = 2b (for some integer b)

    Substituting accordingly,

    (2a)(2b) - 1 = 2k

    4ab - 1 = 2k

    Multiply both sides by (1/2), to get

    (1/2)(4ab - 1) = k

    Distribute the (1/2),

    (1/2)(4ab) - (1/2) = k

    2ab - (1/2) = k

    Notice how 2ab is an integer, and we're subtracting (1/2), or (0.5).  This means, as a result, 2ab - (1/2) is NOT an integer.  

    Therefore, k = 2ab - (1/2) is NOT an integer.

    This is a contradiction (we declared k an integer from the start).

    Therefore, if x and y are even, then xy must be even.

  3. not possible.

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