
Simple fish tank question? I'm a beginner lol?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i got this 10 gallon fish tank and was too lazy to fill it up with cups, because i have no bowls or anything so i filled it up with a garden hose,, through my window.

will the chlorine level be higher or anything?

could it be bad that i did that?

i know that i have to leave it for a few days before i get fish, butu i was just curious.




  1. um dude the outside hose usually has much much more clorine and actually u need to get spring water but just wait a few days put FISH dechlorinater in it and then cycle it with a small goldfish and then add the fish u want

  2. It's fine to fill up your tank from the hose as long as you treat the water to remove any chlorine or chloramine.

    Good luck with your fish tank and make sure to do your research on the nitrogen cycle so you don't kill a whole bunch of fish!

  3. You should treat it with a water dechlorinator, such as AmQuel+ or Prime, which you can find at most pet stores. Letting it sit for 24 hours will only remove the chlorine, not chloramines (ammonia and chlorine mixed together) which is also harmful to your fish.

    You have to cycle the tank for a month before you can add any fish, not a couple days. Read these articles on cycling:

    E-mail me for any questions!

  4. Before you get fish, take a sample of your tank water to Petsmart (if you have one nearby), and they will test your water for free and let you know what, if anything, you need to make it habitable for the type of fish you want.

    Also, remember, 1" of fish per gallon, so you can put 10 1" (adult sized) fish, or less in a tank that size.  You always want to figure out how many fish you can have by what size they are going to be as adults.

  5. Its totally fine , it sounds like you research before getttin the tank.

    Good job

    yess its fine put the water conditioner and wait 2 or 3 day and get some fishies

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