
Simple question, do women who only have a period twice a year still ovulate every month?

by  |  earlier

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(i have PCOS)




  1. No, they ovulate twice a year.

  2. no, you only ovulate when you get your period.  this means you only ovulate 2x a year.

  3. No they don't, if you don't have a period you dont ovulate.

  4. Actually it is possible to ovulate and NOT have a period, but it's not common.  If a woman is only having a period twice  year, she's probably only ovulating twice a year as well, especially if she has PCOS.

    The only way to know when you ovulated would be to track your basal body temperatures.  That can be tedious when you're talking about cycles that last for months, but at least you would know when you ovulated.  FertilityFriend has an easy to use online program and it's free.

    If you're trying to conceive, the best thing for you would be to see an RE about getting you to ovulate regularly with the help of fertility drugs.

    Good luck.

  5. no they dont ovulate every month.

    Even if you had 6 periods, u may only ovulate 1 time out of that if lucky

    I have PCOS i found out i was 13. now 25. Ive done my fare share or research on PCOS...

    Ask your doc about Mtformin (no its not a fertility drug, PCOS people are commonly insulin resistant, this drug lowers it and helps get ur system back to normal)  I only had a few periods throught those years and i was on metformin for 1 month and i believe it helped me.

    EDIT - looke for the stringy egg white goowy stuff, thats generally when you are ovulating, thats what happened to me and now only have 12 days to go -

  6. Not usually. And with PCOS you can have a period and still not ovulate, I know this from experience...

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