
Simple question about horse betting?

by  |  earlier

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This will be my first time betting on horses. I just need a few simple questions answered. I know there's a lot more to it, but as a beginner, I just need to know the basics, then I'll go from there. So, here are my questions:

1. Which bet is better for a beginner, win, place, or show?

2. If I bet make a $2 show bet, or a $2 win bet, how much does that pay?

3. Is it better to bet on the horse that has alot of bets on it, or is it better to bet on a horse that hardly no one else has bet on?

Thanks in advance. If there is any other information you think would be helpful for a BEGINNER, then please fill me in.




  1. start off with a $2.00 across the board wager....

    if your horse wins you collect 3 times

    if you horse places you collect 2 times

    if your horse shows you collect 1 time.

    it will cost you $ 6.00 a race..if you have 10 races..$ 60.00

    for the whole day of racing.

  2. 1. When I first started betting on horse races, I used to put $2 on my horse to win (it pays better odds, and makes it more fun when the horse wins) and $2 on the same horse to show (the odds are poor, but your chances are better, and you'll get to collect on the bet more often).

    2.  The odds on the tote board at the track tell you how much you'll make on a win bet. For example, a horse at 5-1 will make you $5 for every dollar you bet. Your payoff for a winner will be $12  ($5 x 2, plus getting back the $2 you bet).  Show bets pay considerably less.

    3. Horses with lots of bets on them pay lower odds but are more likely to win. Horses with fewer bets pay higher odds but are less likely to win.

  3. a lot of people get addicted to betting and loose all there money                        

    i wouldn't start if i were you

  4. For fun play show.

    Depends on the odds of the pools.

    You want a long shot or a favorite?

  5. First time??  Depends on your bankroll.. 2 bucks to show would be fun and inexpensive. First thing that will happen is.. your horse will win and you'll be mad for not betting it to win.

       If you have the Extra cash..  try 2 $ across the board..

    Which is 2$ to win.. 2$ to place.. and 2$ to show,,

         6 bucks a race... Good Luk.. havesomefun..

  6. Personally I like the show bet.  That way, if your horse finishes in the top 3, you win money.  You don't win a lot of money.  On a $2 bet, you'll only pick up an extra dollar... but you will get to go to the window after the race and come away with more than you started with.  Betting to win is a little riskier since you only get money if the horse actually wins... however, you will win substantially more money (unless the horse has really extremely low odds like 1-5).  As a way to hedge your bets, you could bet $2 to win and $4 to show on the same horse.  That way if your horse doesn't win, but does show, you'll win the $2 win bet back.  And if the horse does win, then you get the win price and double the show price!

    On a $2 show bet, you'll win around $3.  On a $2 win bet, it depends a lot on the odds... if the horse is 2-1, you win $6... $2 for every $1 that you bet (2x2=4) and your original $2 back (4+2=6).  If the horse is 5-1, you win quite a bit more... 5x2=10  +2=  $12.

    The favorite (the one with all the bets on him... the lowest odds) wins about 1/3 of the time... that's 66% of the time.  The favorite shows about 75% of the time.  But if you always bet on the favorite, you won't make much money... and you might not even make up for the times that the horse loses.  However, if there's a longshot in the field... one with really high odds... it usually means something.  Handicappers usually know what they're doing and if they're not betting on a specific horse, they must think that it can't win.  Of course, they can be wrong... and if that horse does win, you'd make a lot of money.

    As a beginner, don't worry too much about what other people are doing and the odds.  Look at the program yourself, and pick a horse that you like.  Go by whatever you want.  If you like the name, or the color of the horse, or the horse's win percentage, or the jockey, or the trainer... then go with it.  If you really like a horse, but it's either a big longshot or a heavy favorite, then so what... bet on it and have some fun.

    Also, NTRA has a whole section of its website just for you.  It walks you through the basics of going to the racetrack and betting on horses.  It has easy to understand definitions, an explanation of how to read the racing form, as well as some techniques that you might use to win on some bets.

  7. Welcome to the world of Horse racing Betting. All I have to tell You is You better be well informed or be prepared to lose tons of money. Alot of betters don't make any money at all because they don't have any sound betting strategy. I recommend You read more about it before jumping into it. I have listed a very good source for You to learn the basics. Look forward to Your update on how well You do.

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