
Simple solutions to a boring year in your life...

by Guest65187  |  earlier

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19 sucks. It's a year of your life that you will inevitably p**s away. So here’s a weekly planner for how to successfully do just that.

Week 1. Resist using water until someone of the opposite s*x mentions it

Week 2. Teach a toddler a swear word

Week 3. Make a sandcastle in the backseat of your dads car

Week 4. See how long you can talk without coming to the end of a sentence

Week 5. Bring back peace frog t-shirts

Week 6. Hang up on every call while the other person is mid sentence and blame it on a bad connection

Week 7. Go to as many TGI Fridays as you can and tell each of them that it’s your birthday

Week 8. Dress up nice and pretend like you’re interested in buying a BMW

Week 9. See how long you can go without using the words “other” “really” and “then”.

Week 10. Play xbox for as long as you can without bathroom breaks

Week 11. Ask a girl if she think she’s pretty and no matter what her response is say “Interesting. I’m going to blog about that.”

Week 12. Vomit on a salad bar

Week 13. Bring a My Buddy doll with you wherever you go

Week 14. Pretend to be from England when you talk to yourself

Week 15. Convince as many people as you can that you were adopted.

Week 16. Speak in third person

Week 17. Try to use the word “cyclical” in every conversation

Week 18. Write a play using your friends as characters and have them all die tragically

Week 19. Grow a mustache

Week 20. When you discover that you can’t grow a mustache, buy a fake one and wear it with pride

Week 21. Go on a diet of Arizona iced tea and Cadberry Crème Eggs

Week 22. Adopt a goldfish

Week 23. Place take out orders and never pick them up

Week 24. Wear an eye patch and when people ask, say you don’t want to talk about it.

Week 25. Watch a Tom Arnold marathon

Week 26. Try to make beer in your bathtub

Week 27. Wear a kilt

Week 28. Wear a turban

Week 29. Wear that same eye patch again, but this time if people ask, pretend to cry

Week 30. Fall down in public as often as possible.

Week 31. Tell off your grandma

Week 32. Tell your parents you want a divorce from them

Week 33. Spend the whole week watching QVC

Week 34. Tickle a fat girl

Week 35. Go commando

Week 36. Steal laundry from the laundry room

Week 37. Try out for a sports team with a monologue

Week 38. Wear a sombrero

Week 39. Chew the same piece of gum for a week

Week 40. Go for as long as you can without sleeping

Week 41. Deliberately s***w up your class registration for next semester

Week 42. Convince the school nurse you have chicken pox

Week 43. Wet the bed

Week 44. Part your hair in the middle

Week 45. End all text messages and emails with xoxo

Week 46. Draw glasses on your face.

Week 47. Wear roller skates and resist taking them off.

Week 48. Spend a week eating only what you steal from vending machines.

Week 49. Don’t use deodorant or toothpaste

Week 50. Wear a wig

Week 51. See how long you can linger in an ATM vestibule before someone asks you to leave.

Week 52. Convince your friends you’re turning 19 again.




  1. Lol! I like the mustache and the eye patch ones the best.

  2. hahahaha absolutey hilarious!

    hahahahaha i have done about half of these already.

    i love it.

    i laughed out loud about 7 times upon reading this.

    nice one.


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