
Simple vectors?!?! i can't figure it out?

by  |  earlier

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A car drives 200km west and then 80km southwest...what's the magnitude and dir? whoever shows instead of just answer gets best answer ^_^




  1. 200Km vector: 180 degrees with the +x-axis

    80Km vector: 225 degrees with the +x-axis: 45 (southwest) + 180

    sum the x components:

    sumX = 200*Cos(180) + 80 * Cos(225) = -256.68Km

    Note: 200*Cos(180)=-200

    sum the y components:

    sumY = 80*Sin(180) + 80 * Sin(225)= -56.56Km

    Note:  80*Sin(180) =0

    resultant vector magnitude: sqr(sumX^2+sumY^2) = 262.73Km

    direction: Angle with the positive x-axis:

    atan(sumY/sumX)= 192.43 degrees

  2. the answer is 20.784 km from12.44 (deg.) east

  3. ok, what you do is make a triangle out of it. One leg will be your car going 200km west, the second will be it going 80km SW. The third leg, just draw it in, is the new vector, the sum of the two other vectors. Now just use law of sines, or law of cosines, whichever you prefer, to figure out the angle and value you are looking for.

  4. to start it is

    200cos 180



    200sin 180

    80 cos 225


    -tan inverse(56.56/256.56)= 12.43 +180

    256.56^2+56.56^2=262.7(this number was square rooted

    so 262.7@192.43


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