
Simplification of the Greek language?

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About two months ago, Cypriot Euro MP Marios Matsakis proposed a simplification of the greek language. Probably most of you have already heard of this.

I'd like your opinions, would you support such a change, would you be against it and why?




  1. i dont agree.

    why to change our language?

    i love it they way it is with  all the i and o

    then what?

    my name would be Βασιλικι and my short ΒΑσο?????is rediculous...

    No i dont like it at all.

  2. Thats bloody ridiculous! Most languages came from the Greek language and instead of doing anyhting to those were going to simplify that one! That makes me so mad! is there a petition or something we can sign, do you have any more info on it? I found this, check it out:

    It's such a beautiful language, what is up with Matsakis?! ARG!

    I also found these:


  3. I don't think any language should change its spelling and grammar just to become simpler or easier. Native speakers can sure use it, and all the foreigners that are interested, should try their best to learn it correctly.

    Over the years, there has been many propositions for spelling reform in English, but neither one was efficient enough. I have noticed that many native English speakers, especially Americans, tend to be lousy spellers and make a lot of mistakes in their language, complaining that English spelling is hard. I don't think difficulty has to do anything with it, I think it's mostly laziness. Anyone can learn to write correctly if they want to. The proof is the fact that so many foreigners speak and write English perfectly. Same goes for Greek - if you are interested, you will learn it. Why would you change it just to make it easier to some lazy people who don't want to learn?

  4. That would be a complete eyesore. "Upsilon” and “eta” are there for a reason. Without them, the alphabet would be poor and ugly.

    And all the other changes... no no  no!

    Because I am in New Zealand, and for the time being I don't have Greek fonts, apart from copy & paste, I found this comment which sums things up nicely.

    Ψίχρεμη οπτικί προσοπικά δεν νομίζο ποσ μπορό να έχο!

    Απαράδεκτο μου ακούγετε!

    Κε δεν ίξερα πος υπίρχε τάσι για ενοτικί πορία στισ γλόσσεσ τισ Εβροπαικισ Ένοσισ!!!

    Και πείτε μου εσείς… πόοοοσο χάλια είναι γραμμένο το παραπάνω κείμενο;;

  5. I don't agree. The way the words are currently written are indicative of their etymology. So such a simplification would be more confusing for the speakers to identify the etymology and the meaning of a word.

  6. I am totally against it. Greek grammar,  once you learn it,  helps you know at a glance which word is a verb,  noun  etc.  I like the shapes of the letters, eg. the roundness of the ω / Ω .  So it will be Σοκράτις,  ÃƒÂŽÃ‚ŸÃŽÂ´ÃŽÂ¹ÃÂƒÃÂƒÃŽÂ­ÃŽÂ±ÃÂ‚, χιραγογισι,  ÃƒÂŽÃ‚µÃÂ€ÃŽÂ¹ÃÂ‡ÃŽÂ¹ÃÂÃŽÂ¹ÃŽÂ¼ÃŽÂ±, ισε,  etc?  ÃƒÂŽÃ‚™ÃŽÂ½ÃŽÂµ για γελια κε για κλαματα!

    Edit:  as for dyslectics there are provisions once a person is diagnosed,  so,  this is not a good excuse.

  7. First of all I disagree!

    Secondly it's not his idea, he is just suggesting based on some other peoples ideas.

    I like this guy but this time I disagree with him.

    Edit: You don't need to send any kind of complains because the case is closed. He suggested that two months ago and everybody in Cyprus reacted against it.

    In the future elections he will not even be an MP or a an MP of the euro parliament because his party ton diagrapse.

  8. As  an eficiando of word etymology.the greek laungage is the richest in the world not only will it be travasti to humanity but we may as well just invente a new world laungage then ..all comercial scientific and medical polotics are either greek influnced words or greek based.. there is no need to subtract any thign from our beutifull fact we must add more.. i mean can you imagine a the greek version of....WUSSSSSSSSSSSUP.. BRO..

  9. Letters and diphthongs are there for a reason. Why simplify something that has worked fine for years and years? Studies have shown that since we simplified the teaching of ancient greek ( instead of teaching the original text we teach the translation ) young people are unable to speak  as older people do. They express poorly and they can't use their own language the proper way. Why make another mistake now and eliminate letters? Is it because foreigners find it difficult to understand the use of our language? What's next to come? Are we going to stop conjugating verbs too for the shake of simplicity? Pleaseeee!!!! Hands off the Greek language!!!!

  10. no it is unacceptable. Greek language is one part of our history if we change this we delete our history. OK we have 2 kinds of o(ο,ω),5 kinds of i(ει,ι,η,οι,υι,) and 2 kinds of e(ε,αι)but we can to learn our language and Greeks are one of the most beautifully languages on the planet.

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