
Simply b/c I am attractive, many people stereotype me as incompetent and dumb. I'm quite the opposite! HELP?!

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I'm a 22 year old MBA student with a history of academic excellence. And by most regards I am considered highly attractive in addition to wealthy. When people first meet me and have not yet recieved the opportunity to get to know who I really am, I tend to be automatically stereotyped as someone like Paris Hilton--! How can I get people to see me for me, and not my pricey car, nor my appearance--all without trading in my beemer for a neon and chopping off all of my hair in an attempt to look less attractive. And I don't mean to sound concieded, I know I must sound like a spoiled brat--but I have big brains and a huge heart that I value so much more than those external elements. I don't know ...I think this task is impossible simply because people today all have their own issues in which they deflect through behavior, and essentially no one is ever satisified. But I welcome any constructive feedback! Thanks!




  1. god idk . i guess its hard for people to think that you cant have everything. beauty smarts and talent. and money lol but you just gotta prove them wrong in time.

  2. Wow... WTF is wrong with a Neon? I drive one and it will kick your car's @ss. Then again, it also has lots of problems but it's also cheaper to maintain than any other car I've seen on its type.

    And to not look dumb, stop buying dumb things! Basically, Bill Gates looks a h**l of a lot smarter than everybody else because he wears cheap sh*t. Granted, it's not really cheap but it looks cheap! Think about that and think about why smart people who look dumb really are actually dumb with money and what they buy.

    Then come crying back to this place saying that you're getting called dumb and crazy looks. At least you're not the one who is going crazy because you can't find a job that will suit your life or else you'll go into debt like crazy.

  3. I know this is cheesy but why do you care what they think? Your friends know who you are what does a stranger matter? And if you really are intelligent as you say you are then people will quickly realize that once they get to know you. Don't worry about it so much and don't change yourself. It's like every middle school "Be yourself" assembly , even though everyone makes fun of it it's actually true just ignore it. If it hinders your work then argue it ,again if you truly are intelligent your linguistic dexterity should dispel any lingering Paris Hilton notions.

  4. Hmm....22 years old.  An MBA.  Wealthy.  

    Look, either you are totally full of it, or you are a driven person that knows how to get what you want.  Either way, you can't possibly have gotten to where you are if you really cared what other people thought.

  5. Hmmm....perhaps show a little bit of humility.....people think things about you by what you put out for them to receive....I don't know what you are saying to them, so I can't know for sure that you don't come off as smart and educated...I know several people who are wrapped up in material things and have the best clothes, cars, parties, etc....and are very educated, but come across as self-centered, materialistic, and uninformed/no common sense. I don't know if this is you or not, but--as you know--there are MANY steps between a beemer and a neon.....and there are many ways to be both attractive AND be able to carry on a conversation--which means a 2 way communication. If you feel you can only be takn seriously by cutting off your hair and buying a crappy car, then that tells me there is something that your books and your education haven't taught you....that substance is what matters...that you meet other's needs above or at least equal to your own...that you value things like honesty and caring for others over what type of car you own.

  6. Well,

    from my calculations,

    I find it valid.

    That a majority of people can't stand egotistical characters.

    Hmmmm -.-

    Yeah, if you call yourself attractive, wealthy and think people hate you just because you drive a nice car and have long hair, you obviously need to go have a look at yourself without gazing in the mirror for too long.

    People warm towards others that are like, humble.

    And you totally boast about big brains.

    I wouldn't expect you to be any smarter than a television remote either. Where's the mute button huh?

  7. You could get people to see you by not coming off as a rich, intelligent person, Impossible no, but have you ever tried to meet a nice guy without all your BS? I mean just look at your question, it explains alot! Good Luck,

  8. well that sucks

  9. Just ignore all the "Get over yourself" answers.

    There is no fix for this problem, unfortunately. It's called human stupidity. Stereotyping is stupidity.

    You cannot satisfy them. Just ignore all the people you don't care about. They don't deserve to know you if they write you off as dumb simply because you are attractive.

    Just remember that first impressions go a long way, so try hard not to say anything stupid or something that might seem stupid when first meeting someone.

    Hope I could help, I know it wasn't extremely constructive.

  10. People will only judge you as long as you judge yourself. How would you like to see yourself. Imagine that is how people see you. I have a good friend who is gorgeous looking rich, & have a heart of gold. You have to focus on what you know is true about yourself & stop focusing on negative thoughts you think people have about you...there a movie out called "the secret" & there is a man who is treated a certain way until he starts visualizing himself being treated differently & it shows what happens. You should check this out cause it really is an internal problem.

  11. are you sure its because youre attractive?

  12. No one can take away your birthday.

  13. AHAHAHA. MBA is a degree for dumbasses, people who cant cut it to get a real degree. As far as business masters go, none of the real big names needed this kind of bullshit degree. You can brag about a doctorate in particle physics or something, or even being a self-made millionaire (h**l even millionaire doesnt cut it anymore). So maybe you should try a needle to your forehead to let some of that overinflated brain just *whoosh* right out.

    Good luck to you and may your degree bring you ever more beamers.

  14. Be grateful for your looks... They won't last forever. I wouldn't worry about it.

    Its too bad they think you're dumb, but there are worse things they could think about you. You could be ugly and people wouldn't give you the time of day which could be a lot worse.

  15. You honestly have nothing to stand on here...Im a speech pathology graduate student who is considered very attractive as well...And I dont have any problem with people seeing me for who I truly am...I would have to say that you probably arent as smart as you think you are b.c of this question being asked

  16. Just be you.......

  17. sounds to me like your full of yourself, add that to your list.

  18. a lot of people feel threatened by brainy and intelligent people.  

    I have problems approaching a beautiful girl, or any girl for that matter, because I think why would anyone want me around, when there are others far more successful or better than I?

    You're probably just a regular person that wants a friend that is truly interested in you on a positive note.  Yet people like me just sort of clam up. no matter that I have a few studies as well.  it's just a twisted sort of world.

  19. Frankly, to be anything other than yourself is ludicrous and unless you are buying into their stereotyping, it sounds like you are merely doing that with the exception of letting what people think about  you bother you. Yes, it is nice to be recognized for you academic flourish, but if you put stock only in what strangers think, you are kidding yourself. Forget those who don't really know you and focus on what is really important to you right now.

    hope this was helpful...

  20. you know what, unfortunately it's hard to not have people stereotype you. we are all full of stereotypes, but i think it has alot to do with the media and what is on television. i feel like the best thing you can do is just be humble, and i don't mean trade in your bmw, i just mean, be kind, funny, helpful, and don't brag about your life. many people out there are sensitive to bragging, and to be honest, that is one of my biggest pet peeves. as far as people having their own issues and deflecting behavior, not everyone wants or needs to have material things to be happy. i swear i just had this conversation today with my coworker. she's married, has 2 mercede benz, nice house, husband has a good job, but guess what? i would never want to trade places with her. oh well, that's it.

  21. I have that same problem.  

    People never get past my ripping muscles as I get out of my Ferrari to realize that I am also a Genius.  

    Oh God....This makes me sick

  22. Eh, just get used to it. Stereotypes can be frustrating, but would you rather be poor, ugly and stupid? We all have our crosses to bear.

    Some people will recognize bright eyes and a clever smile as markers of intelligence, but others treat beauty and brains as mutually exclusive characteristics. Have some fun with the ones who act like you're an idiot. People are remarkably careless with their words when they doubt your intelligence, and I often play games with them to entertain myself. That might sound cruel, but it's a quiet revenge that few of them actually notice.

    As for the car ... are the people around you really that impressed by a BMW? I don't know where you live, but it shouldn't be a big deal; it's not like you have an Enzo or a private jet. Those folks need to get out more. Just ignore them.

  23. Simple: GET OVER YOURSELF.

  24. oh you poor beautiful being!

    wealthy, pretty and smart? dang that must be a curse.

    Constructive feedback: stop caring what other people think and do your own thing. If you`re really that smart and attractve and rich and big hearted, people will soon see that and stop categorizing you as incompetent and dumb.

    another thought: The books with the worn covers are the ones with the best stories...but your cover is not worn is it?

  25. It's "conceited".  Maybe you're not as smart as you think you are.  Take a drive in your Beemer and think it over.

  26. Don't worry about what they think, The people who know you know what you are really like.  The others would be humbled to find out they were wrong.  Be proud to be brainy and beautiful--those who wrongly type you are just jealous

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