
Simpsons episode: What did Lisa say in this episode?

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I refer to an episode of the Simpsons where Lisa refers to the ancient Chiese question about: If a tree falls in the forest and there is nobody there to hear it does it make a sound? She answers this by referring to the ancient Chinese explanation, explaining it is not about the tree and the forest but explaining a wise Chinese take on life. Does anyone who knows of this episode remember exactly how Lisa explains this, I can't find the true meaning of this proverb anywhere but remember her explanation was perfect. Thanks




  1. "But Bart, how can sound exist if there's no one around to hear it?"  oddly enough i just saw this episode a few days ago.

  2. You're talking about the episode called "Dead Putting Society" from Season 2.

    Here is what Lisa says:

    "How can sound exist if there's no one there to hear it?"

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