
Sims 2 EMERGENCY apartment life 10POINTS?

by  |  earlier

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okay i just bought sims2 apartment like and i put it in and its not poping up ? what do i do ? and please dont say go to "my computer" cause i did and then i clicked the E drive or somthing and that wont work either it starts to load and then just stops .




  1. Hmmm, not sure. Clean the disk and try again, and if it doesn't work then, return it and get a new one and try it. If it doesn't work, return it and don't get another. It must be your comp if that happens. Usually nothing pops up if the disk is dirty.

  2. Have u got at least 1.8 Ghz to power em. If u dont ur screwed. Mind if you r installing these on a different system, EA security stops duplicates.

    heres a forum talking about installing problems:

    for some im games u nead to install other sim games first like u might have to in stall sims pet life.

    maybe this might help:

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