
Sims 2 on ds... ? What do you do? ?

by  |  earlier

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When you have completed these games what do you do after that? For expample do you keep playing, put it into a drawer and never play it again.

1. Sims 2 (the one where you own a hotel)

2. Sims 2 castaway (the one where you are on the island)

3. Sims 2 pets (The one where you're a vet if it can be completed... )

So what do you do when they are completed?




  1. 1-for the sims 2 hotel after you have defeted the robot you can just rent rooms to people and make money but no more challenges or nuthin it gets pretty boring after that=/

    2-im not sure for cast away I've never had that game

    3- for pets it never really ends=/ but you can buy bigger houses and more equiptment and stuff like that and teach tricks and everything its pretty fun ^.^


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