
Simulation about dyslexia?

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We have to do a simulation , demo and practice or game about dyslexia in class . I have not found the perfect thing to do yet . Any ideas would be appreciated .




  1. You can't.

    Dyslexia is caused by a missing brain circuit. People with dyslexia lack visual speech. People without dyslexia cannot comprehend dyslexia.

       When I first made , I thought it would help dyslexia. It doesn't, but it does help people with decoding problems. If you want to use this site, send me a note, I will help you any way I can.

  2. there is a video called FAT CITY that does demonstrations on what it is like to have LD-

    There is an album cover from a Def Leppard CD-

    Retro Active-when you first look at it-it looks like a skull-but when you look closer it is a woman looking in a mirror-

    just as it is hard for a perosn to see teh real picture-it is hard for a person to read and see letters correctly with dyslexia

    another example is a paragraph with a lot of letters taken out/reversed/substituted

    for example you would write

    Th Qiku Brn Fx gumd ovreer het ylaz god

    to simulate dyslexia

    (the quick brown fox jumps over teh lazy dog)

  3. Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm.  Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by istlef but the wrod as a wlohe.

    This is what dyslexic people see. I'm dys. and my sister showed this to me, I read it and said interesting fact. Everyone started to laugh, I didn't get it and read it again, finally my husband had to explain it to me. I had gotten so use to reading this way, first and last letter and guessing the middle amd contant, that I didn't get what was going on. As a child school was hard I didn't learn to read until I was in the third grade.

  4. One of the things you can do is laminate a die-cut lower case b. Or, put a cut out letter "b" inside a clear plastic sheet cover. Make it rest in the middle. Twist and turn it in the air in front of your audience and ask, "Is it a "p", "d", "q", or "b"?

    Also if you can write a sentence on the board or on a poster that has no spaces between the words, like: "Iwenttothestoretoday." You can ask for a volunteer to read then expose the sentence.

    Dyslexics sometimes see the spaces between words in different places, like: "Iw ent tot he st oreto day."

    Sometimes they see the letters floating on the page, sometimes with some letters missing. I cannot illustrate that here.

  5. I assume you have Powerpoint, use Powerpoint to create the affects of blurring, fading for rivers write a paragraph in a block, and then double space in between some words etc the link shows what a dyslexia sees.

    If you want to print off work you can change the font colour to gray scale for some letters for fading, again for rivers as above, swirling affect could be created by using word art, I am not sure how to write letters backwards on the computer (I can do it by hand lol). Its just a matter of being experimenting and creative.

    If need any help please me know.

    Good luck with the simulation

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