
Since 1991, 18 years after abortion was made legal and at a rate of 2,000 abortions every day in America, ?

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how many tax payers have been removed from funding our social security system? 13,140,000???? 730,000 potential tax payers are eliminated each year....allowed to live and participate in our "social" programs like SS, would it not be in as much trouble? Are liberals "KILLING" the very redistributive social program they created?




  1.   Those are surgical abortions.  There's many more than just those. If you counted the birth control pills that also cause abortion:



            Well, maybe it doesn't take long to starve to death in the womb, hum?

  2. you rock....

  3. not really....since those abortions..had they been left undone, would have resulted in unwanted children, those children would have grown up with little guidance and probably wouldn't contribute much to society. Abortions are actually a really good thing.  

  4. where do you get your facts...

  5. Obviously, millions more Americans would be alive and working today if their mothers had not had abortions. If there mothers could not have afforded to take care of the child, she could have had the child adopted. There have been many white couples who had to go to China or South America to adopt because there were not white babies available for adoption.

    Did you know that the US govt gives millions of dollars a year to Planned Parenthood. This money should stop as hundreds of millions of Americans don't believe in abortion.

    Also, we should not allow pro-abortion people to call themselves pro-choice. They are not pro-choice, they are pro-abortion. Let's stop the phony and illogical use of the euphemism, pro-choice.

  6. Or you could look at it as removing 1,460,000 burdens on society annually (each child has to have a mother to take care of it; this places another 730,000 on welfare because they are unable to work).

  7. Yes.

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