
Since 2 years People says Nadal have Physical Problems,he is at the?

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end of his carrier and in 2 or 3 year he will not be able to play again. is he looking like somebody who have Physical problems?




  1. This is why

  2. well... he keeps having these physical problems especially after wimbledon but he had worse injuries before which were the reasons why he missed 2RGs...

    he doesnt look like he has physical probs but u can't really help thinking that he does because of those tape things he's putting under his knee...

    but i don't think his career will be that short... he's going to last waaaayyy more than that unless he decides that he does not want to play tennis anymore which is unlikely because he has too much passion for the game and too much drive...

  3. I wouldn't say so. He has that blister issue on his foot, and he will have time to recover. But he also has that finger problem. Now I don't know what's up with that, but he keeps touching it every match. So, I think that he's got a long way to go, and his careers not over till' it's over.

  4. No, he does not look like he has any physical problems. I think he looks very fit. The reason people are saying this is because of his game style and the never say die attitude... this leads him to always chase down the ball and give his all in every point. They say this causes his body to wear and tear. But I think he will still be there 2 to 3 years from now as long as he takes care of himself, but if he goes to his later years and keeps on playing like this, it  might cause a lot of injuries.

    Again, he'll be fine even up to three years from now but I can't promise that it won't take its toll after that.

  5. It really annoys me when ppl saying this about Rafa. He is very physically strong, everyone says the way ``he plays`` he`ll end up with a serious injury and that will be his career over. But its not true yes his game demands a lot of physical pressure but its nothing he cant handle. Do ppl think Nadal is stupid ? He knows how to take care of his body and im sure is aware about injuries and everything etc...! Jeez the guy has his knee`s taped and thats it end of his career, well i think he`s done pretty well this year so far  ;):P and his knees have been taped.

    I chose not to listen to ppl who say such things about Rafa, it doesnt bother me in the end i`ll never meet them lol and what can you do they all have their opinions.

    Vamos Rafa

  6. What physical problems? I think he sometimes forgets his knee pads at the hotel room when he plays tennis and the physical stress would cause to tear his kneecaps. But not anymore, his uncle toni always reminds him to wear them. One thing more is that, I notice that his tailor makes him too tight pants that rafa would always pull his bottom part to be more comfortable before every point or two.

  7. He had problems in the past and if he keeps playing like he is he's gonna have more. Didn't he have some kind of knee problem just last year at the US Open when he retired against Monaco?

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