
Since Budweiser is no longer an American beer, should we boycott it and switch to a true American brand?

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I am not drinking beer from a company run by Brazilians.




  1. i'd rather drink miller lite. even if it isn't american.

  2. This makes me sad.  Not that I was a huge Budweiser drinker, but that was our one true real American beer.

    And yes, in these tough economic times, it's more important than ever to keep our money as close to home as possible.  Support your local brewer!


    @Je2ry:  Read the article.

  3. Hopefully xenophobia will scare the masses into buying quality-brewed domestic beers. Support your local brewer!

  4. This is an outrage!!! I have been raised on budweiser happy to know that it was all american. now It's half owned by a belgian(not brazilian) company "Inbev".  they won't be stupid enough to change the recipe; so I'll still drink it. But I will be upset to see "Inbev" after anheuser busch. A sad day for all american V.O.B.'s

  5. It is sad for sure.

    William H,

    Shut the F up. I am native American because I was born here. And if you are referring to the people that were here for years but conquered by the Europeans then I got news for you. They too migrated-immigrated here from Siberia on a land bridge to Alaska and came further south to what is now the USA.

    You stated a fact that the ancestors of the A-B company came here from Germany (Europe) and so we should be happy that the Belgians (or any foreigner) is here now. The difference is that Mr. Anheuser became a proud American. So using your logic are we to believe that the Belgians of InBev are planning on becoming American too? They are foreigners and this situation sucks. It is business, yes. But it sucks.

    Brazilian (An American posing as a Brazilian-fool)

    Wow do not take it so harshly. We are upset that an iconic American Brewer was sold. That InBev bought out your Brazilian brewery is no concern of ours.

    You seem hurt that we do not recognize your nation as American. Get use to it. Brazil sucks.

    Don't you worry our economy always bounces back no matter who are President is.

    Now go home and try to bring your country out of third-second world status.

  6. They won't change the taste and its very good beer.. so I'll keep drinkin it..I've tried micro brew locally and it just don't cut it and more expensive

  7. I work for Budweiser. I thought that there would be a revolt against a foreign owned Budweiser. But lets not forget that Miller is owned by South African Breweries and Coors is owned by Molson (Canadian Company). Miller's portfolio is HUGE. Old Style, Pabst, Milwaukee's Best ... etc. Your options are very limited in switching to a American owned and produced beer. Don't blame Budweiser, they are the victims. Don't blame Inbev, they know a good deal when they see it. Blame THE GODDAMNED UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT FOR COMPLETELY F-ING THE ECONOMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    THAT IS WHY THIS HAPPENED!! If the dollar's value wasn't in the toilet then this would have never happened. Inbev was able to push the buyout because the Euro is worth so much more than the dollar right now. Financially speaking America is history. Nice while it lasted I guess

  8. I think that would be great. If americans invested in american business it would be awesome.

  9. I never drank that garbage anyways. I drink Samuel Adams and Shipyard

  10. what kind of car are you driving? have you ever bought a shirt from wal mart? you drink coffee? where did your computer come from? (before it got to circuit city)??? ....i am not too fond of outsourcing all our production to foreign countries either, but it is what it is. you own some things that were made in other countries. a lot of things. America should make changes that benefit the mass producers of things we use here, such as Budweiser.....but we don't. so you can't blame the company as a whole. say they keep it will cost it 10% more later this year...then 25% more next you can't blame them. keep drinking it and be happy the price hasn't skyrocketed on it.

  11. I am boycotting Budweiser, and you should too.

  12. So go out and buy some InBev stock and it can be owned by an American. I can't believe the idiocy.

  13. Drink microbrew! Don't just support your country, support your local area!

  14. I feel like America has just been slapped in the face with this deal And I say we boycott  budweiser and slap em back

  15. Well seeing how Budweiser wasn't originally American at all, I'd say no.

  16. This sooo sucks. I may have bought my last 6-pack of Bud.

  17. Budweiser is now just another RAT company on American soil! Do not drink any product from this company if your a Union employee, or just go ahead and drop your ticket if you do so. We should not support them any longer.

  18. Try micro-brews, American beer made by Americans meant to be consumed by Americans. Bud is c**p anyway. If anyone is ever in Newburgh NY, stop by The Golden Rail Ale House. Now THATS beer!

  19. We should all drink Sam Adams!

  20. umm...he11 naw...budweiser is a great beer and just because someone else took it over isnt gonna change that...!!!...if it starts tatsing bad for some reason then i wont drink it but until that day comes i am drinkin it...!!

  21. Brazil has nothing to do with Bud. The people that have made an offer are BELGIANS. They come from Belgium, a country in Europe (that's the big place across the ocean that also includes England and Italy)

    I never drank Bud to start with, unless there was nothing else available. I buy beer for quality. There many good American brands, mostly micro-breweries and also many foreign, which includes Belgium where they make some of the finest beer and ale in the world (the big round globe where all the people live).

  22. well for one you need to get your facts straight its a belgian company and they arent selling out the two companies are merging and the company will be called Anheuser-Bush Inbev they arent changing the beer just the name were buying from and for the people that are talking about foreigners unless you are native american shut the **** up. anyway guess what Anheuser-bush was they were german god you stupid people you should all be sterilized. if you want the facts go here

  23. It is a shame isn't it?

    But the big shame is all the American companies that are "selling" out to foreigners for the almighty dollar.

    They don't care about the American worker or loyalty to our country.

    Just another sell out of the American way of life.

  24. It is a Belgian-Brazilian InBev , for those who answer that's Brazil has nothing to do with. The company is Half Brazilian ,d**n *** !!!! But what is the problems with that. If North Americans should be shame buy losing it's company to a "third world", yes,Perhaps!

    If "Americans" US Citizens, are so stupid to not drink a beer because "Americans" companies are losing there *** to a foreigns companies, I guess there no much to say about such ignorance.

    If "Americans" want your economy back,  you should vote right this time, or soon you may be wiping your *** with a green/yellow toilet paper too.

    PS If you wander why Quotations in the "Americans" is that Brazilian are also Americans and so the other countries in the America Continent. You may start to call you the right way, (US Citizens or North American). Like we call us Latin American or South Americans.

    I like that!!! We may should buy this stolen title too. Actually, Why  shall we buy such bad reputation!


  25. I'm switching to Coors. And I thought Coors bought Molson... not the other way around. Anyway - Canada is still in AMERICA!

  26. Boycotting Budweiser would only hurt the American workers who still manufacture it in the USA.

  27. **** YEA! I didnt even know that happened!!!! Thanks for letting me know so from now on its nothing but Sam adams and other kick *** brands! woot!!!

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