
Since CO2 is needed by trees, and they produce oxygen, won't reducing CO2 lead to less trees, and less oxygen?

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nutty liberals, a danger to human beings!




  1. LOL Nobody is talking about reducing CO2 levels low enough to kill trees!

  2. um duh lol

  3. RIDICULOUS... how low can you go ???

    We are speaking about reducing CO2 emissions (Gt per year), not CO2 concentrations (ppm).

    If you had paid attention in high school you would not that a quantity (concentration X atmospheric total mass) is the integration of a stream (flow of anthropogenic CO2 emissions in this case) over a time period.

    Let's put it simple: we are not speaking about driving to the back... we are speaking about decelerating.


    Other point: CO2 concentrations have largely increased BECAUSE of the massive deforestations worldwide.

  4. This question is ridiculous, there is no point in this question besides the fact that its based on nothing.

    Nature is balancing act, they've done it for millions, no billions of years. Its only now that "artificial" CO2 from humans is undoing that balance before the earth's natural balance can undo our idiocy.

  5. Before Industrial Revolution(1800), the CO2 cycle was confined only to Natural Environment--Air--plants-animals,microbe...


    After Industrial Revolution CO2 was produced in Excess from  burning Coal in Industries,Steam Engines and a little later from Automobiles,Ships,Aeroplanes by burning Petroleum products and later Aromatic chemicals in Spaceships etc.Simultaneously green Foliage covering the earth in Zillions of hectares were ruthlessly destroyed to get wood for various purposes and coal---so on one hand CO2 was (and is) increasing humongously and Chloroplast which converts CO2 to O2 is decreasing in gargantuan dimentions,both in developed and developing countries.CO2 induses Global warming.The Environmeentalists have no teeth to influence the greedy Politicians who do only a lip service to prevent this disaster,catastroph,annihilation of earth's environment.

  6. CO2 doesn't create trees, it merely "feeds" those already in existence.  And since the atmospheric CO2 level is rising fairly rapidly, obviously there's more CO2 than the current forests of the world can absorb. So unless an enormous tree planting process is instigated, the atmospheric CO2 levels will continue to rise.

    Since the excess CO2 in our atmosphere doesn't simply disappear, it sits there for a century or more raising the temperature of our planet.



  8. We need to reduce the CO2 produced by fossil fuels. There will still be enough CO2 in the atomosphere for the trees.

  9. Ironic... that Flora produce their own CO2 through decay. It's a cycle, lets hope it stays that way.

    ed:(Nickel), try the relationship with biomass."Think outside of the box". Your first paragraph was nonsense. GT is expressed as emissions not atmospheric concentration. The world as we know it has been resting on a 1% balance for millions of years.

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