
Since Global Warming has been proovin 100% and all scientists are in consensus, what should the climate be?

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What should the Temperature be today?

How much rain should we have?

How much snow?

Since GW is true then we should know the answers to these questions so we can get the climate back to where it needs to be.

Any scientist that doesn't know the answers to these questions woud not be a credible source. But this shouldn't happen because all scientists are in consensus, so that means they have all reviewed the data and will know these answers.

Come on globalwarmers, you guys keep claiming its real. if it is, answering these questions should be second nature. Would someone please call Pope Algore?




  1. oi it aint 100% proven at most it'll be 30-50% proven man doesn't know enough about our wheather system to make along term prediction. What we are doing is looking into a crystal ball and seeing a distorted reflection of our selves and say "Oh this is going to happen"

    @Adam C

    You know what i used to argue with facts and figures until i noticed NOONE CARED and people ignored them because they were boring. If you tried to argue about GW with facts i'd skip it cause i read it 20 times already.

  2. If you give a location in the world we can easily tell you what the average temperature, rainfall, or snowfall that you should have today.

    Oh, you didn't want the average? I guess you don't understand what climate is then.

  3. where did you get your proof??? who told you global warming was for real AL GORE  you better show me some proof cause if not your just another liberal a*****e with an agenda and no proof. i could run my house all year on what AL GORE USES IN A MONTHok. stop lying show us some proof about global warming ok.

  4. Hah, nice. Im on the same boat as you man.

  5. So, it's been proven to be 100% true? I think you need to show us your sources if you want to make a statement like that.

  6. I don't have a clue, but I'm curious why a couple of people jumped all over you.

    As one of them wrote: "... you better show me some proof cause if not your just another liberal a.h.* with an agenda and no proof."

    HAHAHAHAHAHA -- Maybe they should read your full post, and not just the question headline.

  7. Congratulations!

  8. I don't know, ask the metallurgists, dentists, and geologists you call "scientists".

  9. Don't they teach science at school any more? Or even logical reasoning?

    Climate is NOT weather!!

    I don't know how often I've said this.

    GW has not been proven 100% - it's a prediction and a theory; these can never by 100%; can be very high though (latest UN report says over 90%). Same for having all scientists in consensus - of course not, especially on the details... but you don't need consensus when you have facts.

    So you start from false assumptions and end with a false conclusion and expect people to be able to proof your false conclusion... of course we can't; fact is, any scientist who could prove this conclusion is the one that wouldn't be credible.

    I've been waiting for some time to have a good, rational debate on GW using facts, sound logic and rational thought with a GW skeptic... guess I have to keep waiting

  10. do you even understand global warming?

  11. Man-Made global warming has not been 100% groovin proovin.  The climate is what its supposed to be.  It is dynamic, meaning, constantly changing.  The climate changes.  You see, there's this totally huge giant nuclear reaction up in the sky.  We call is the sun.  Now without the sun,  No heat. No nothing.  The sun controls our climate.  It has since it formed and will continue until it burns out.  This big super fireball constantly changes and cycles.  And over the last hundred years has been raging.  

    Dont get me wrong, pollution is a problem, but labeling what I exhale when I breath, a pollutant, is just plain stoooooopin groovin.  And definitely not prooovin.  Our CO2 contribution is really negligible compared to volcanoes and the oceans reaction to warmer water realeasing more CO2

    Read, educate yourself, and dont be blind mice.  Think for yourself!


  12. save the penguins!!!!!!

    and polar bears!!!!

    but mostly penguins ther just so much cuter!!!

  13. Fascinating analysis...just fascinating.  Your grasp of logic is...well, I'm just speechless.  Looks like I'm not the only one, either there action boy.

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