
Since God has been talking to Palin on a regular basis, then why?

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should there even be an election? I mean....if it is God's will like she says for her and McSame to be in office, wouldn't God just let it happen? And why is God only talking to he Republican and American? If so, why did he mess up their convention with Gustav?




  1. She's so full of herself and her happy horseshit. It is amazing that someone can make extremist radical statements like she has and still be nominated. Just insane.

    Obama is my guy!

  2. Did you hear, not only does she believe in creationism, but she actually said that Santa Claus had to relocate to Alaska.  He said it was something about global warming, but she doesn't buy that.

  3. Agreed, he only talks to republicans and i fully expect to hear palin say her daughter bristol is pregnant, but she is still a virgin.

  4. Obama is next President. God loves all and speaks to all not just ot Palin,  

  5. From your statement it seems like you do not understand God.  Read the bible and you will find the answers.

  6. McCain communicates with God

    Obama communicates with Allah

  7. She, and a bunch of others, obviously didn't get the memo from The Age of Enlightenment, which advocates reason as the source of authority rather than unsupported claims to divinity.

  8. Justin .... Fall down on your knees and PRAY that McCain & Palin will become your new President & Vice President!!! You can rant and rave all you want with your uncouth remarks, but when the lights go out and all the hype from this election is over, the only way America will shine is having leaders like McCain & Palin, who actually care about America and every citizen in it, unlike Obama .... who loves to glorify all the negative aspects of everything, including the good works of good people, instead of being like McCain who gives credit where credit is due and will also lay out positive plans for major changes that will better the lives of every American! I wish you the best of luck that you will succeed in making your vote count, by voting McCain / Palin 2008!!!!! Watch McCain speak tonight (Thursday) and you'll hear exactly what I'm talking about! Come on! Join those of us who want REAL CHANGE!!!!! You're deserve more than living under a system that Obama would bring to you!

  9. YES!   Let's put more delusional people in power. Bush was so much fun....must be god's will that McSame's turn signal has been blinking for the last 30 miles.

  10. She calls God her "Daddy." He likes that. He bestows favors upon her like making her dopey drunk daughter the next Virgin Mary.

  11. Good point.  

    Since we know that God is on Palin's--and therefore McCain's--side, it would probably be a good idea just to suspend the election and hand the reins of power over to the both of them.

    In fact, why are we bothering with Congress?  Let's just declare martial law and throw the bums out.  No one likes them anyway.

    You know, now that I think about it, maybe the U.S. Constitution is one of the biggest roadblocks to the advancement of God's will.  All that stuff about "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion"--well, we all KNOW God wouldn't be in favor of that.  So maybe we should just tear up the Constitution, too.  

    What do you say, fellow Republicans?

  12. She "thinks" God has been speaking to her. LMAO

  13. If it is God's will then she and McCain will defeat Obongo

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