
Since Governor Palin has the exact same amount of foreign policy experience as Obama?

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Why are libs saying she is not qualified to be President should John McCain not be able to complete his term?




  1. Actually, as Governor, she's had to deal with her neighbors, Canada and Russia.

    So, she has MORE foreign policy experience than Obama.

  2. You are wrong.  Palin has ZERO foreign policy experience.  Obama does have foreign policy experience.  She is not qualified to be President because she has even less experience than Obama.  I'm sorry but less than 2 years experience as governor of a small state, Alaska, and mayor of a town with only 8500 people, is not enough experience to be President.  However, McCain has effectively thrown the experience argument off the table by picking Palin.  The truth is we don't know much about her, and the little we do know does not sound good.  From her politics to her personal life, she is just not ready to lead.  A woman who puts her career ahead of her family is not the type of person I want to see as President if McCain should happen to win and then pass in office.

  3. Because she does not have the exact same amount of foreign policy experience.

    Was Gov Palin on The Senate Committees for Foreign Relations?


    Was she Chairman of the Senate's subcommittee on European Affairs?


    You really should do some research before asking questions.

  4. Annnnd there it is, the reason she was chosen.  She's the rope the B.O. campaign with hang themselves with.

  5. She's got EXECUTIVE experience that Obamma could only dream of having.

  6. obama / biden is a complete ticket.  just like in the jerry maguire movie, "you complete me"

    mccain / palin is lacking.  on both sides of the slash.

  7. Think again .If you don't think that living in a foreign country doesn't count as experience you're wrong.

  8. If Palin as mayor of a town of 7000 makes her an expert of foreign policy, then our city mayor of 30,000 would be imminently more qualified.

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