
Since Hillary lost the debate last night will she be able to rebound?

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Hillary waffled and flopped like a fish out of water. As president could we ever exspect to a staight answer from her on anything




  1. Why not?

    At sweet sixteen.

    Getting wiser too.

    She can rebound anytime.

    What do you think?

  2. Does not match the well rehearsed script that she so desperately wants to follow - "Hey these guys are trying to ruin my coronation" -

  3. I hope not.  I would vote fo A woman, but not THAT woman.  She's a liar and a half.

  4. No and we shouldn't even encourage a bush-clinton dynasty. I need a change, no we, the whole nation, wait, this world would want to see a change!

  5. I don't think she lost..she just did not respond to the piling up on her but was still strong..I think she will get past this in primary and win, but if she continues to support drivers licenses for illegal immigrants, she will lose the Presidency. This is all because Elliot Spitzer is not only a moron for advocating this idea, he should be impeached from office for dereliction of duty and failure to uphold his oath to his office. He  never went to the Dem leadership and let them know about his idiotic plan and even after nearly 75% of New Yorkers clearly stated they want no part of it. I think the blame should go entirely on the Idiot Governor Spitzer.

  6. Well I for one hope not!!!!!!!!!

    I know I am old but I do not understand how anyone could think of voting for This woman.

    Just this Woman I am talking about here not all women.

  7. I cannot see how anyone would in their right mind vote for another Clinton. They are a family of deceit and just disgusting to me. How can President Clinton get up on TV and lie to the world, his wife forgives him, and life moves on?

    Hillary condones lying and illegal activity, I can't see how the blanket is so easily pulled over people's eyes. I hope Hillary loses this...I'm horrified whenever I hear about her being in the lead on anything. I'm glad people are saying she lost - I didn't have a chance to catch the debate.

  8. Sure, money talks.  Bull walks.  Also one of my answer people state she would "kill" to get in office.  With that kind of money they can really fix the vote, instead of the real numbers 72-28, it's been like 50-50.  With tha money we must be careful as now they have the electrical and that's much easier to rig.  I hope the cons have some good electricial epople.  Take care.

  9. good grief I hope npt. shes dangerous!!!!!!

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