
Since Hindus don't eat beef, are there any McDonald's in India?

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Would they have different menu?




  1. Yes we have macdonalds in India.

    In cities like delhi,mumbai,pune,chandigarh to name a few.

    But it does not serve beef in India.

    You have a completely different menu here in India.

    You'll get vegetarian burgers and also chicken burgers.

  2. McDonald's in  india,, they have but different menu

  3. Hey update your records!

    Mc Donalds' are successfully running all over India in the metro cities like New Delhi.

    They have different menus catering to Indian palette! Serve lamb instead of beef!

  4. Yes it's true they dont' eat beef. there also many people who don't eat pork. But there are McDonald's outlets in most parts of the country. They don't serve either of the 2 meats and non-veg is concentrated in fish and chicken burgers. They use seperate frying pans, oil and packaging for vegetarian fare.

  5. pork burgers yes but we make horse or camels Burger's chicken with chillies

  6. there aer milions of mcdonald, dominoes, pizza huts. what? u think we dont eat any meat at all?

  7. no

  8. They do have Mc Donald's in India. They have a different menu there. Check out the link below.

  9. Yes there is Mc Donalds in India and it is doing good business.The only difference is that it serves no beef products in India.

  10. Yes there are many. and they are doing well

  11. Yes there are more MxDonald's in india than in germany.

  12. yes but a different menu

  13. i think there is but that they do have a different menu. maybe the hamburgers are made of something else. i dont know for sure though.

  14. yeh there are many in india but with different menu and food stule exept some of there populat dishes without beef

  15. For your information, there are plenty of McDonald's, Pizza Hut and Domino's in India and they have learnt from the day one what to serve and what not to serve. None of them serves Beef here.

    Additionally, all the three have developed local (Indian recipes) and are profitably marketing these new recipes world over. Specific for McDonald's, their McAloo Tikki Burger and Pizza McPuff are devised and developed in India and now very successfully marketed world over. Now, next time whenever you happen to eat any of these in your country or anywhere else other than India, remember that these are inventions from India for McDonald's.


  16. just wanted to say, Aries, I liked your answer. i went to that cool to see the menu items in India. Thank you.

  17. Yes there r millions of McDonalds in India!

    I m a vegetarian (hindu) so i don't know much but i do know something --

    in case u r thinking that India is all to do wid Hindus -- u r in some other world -- India has ppl of all religions, races, castes and colour.

    My best friend is a muslim & loves all sorts of non-veg food (except pig -- it's against their religion ).

    On the other hand her elder sister being a muslim happens 2 b a vegetarian like me.

    Another friend of mine (hindu) loves chinese, seafood and even beef --

    who told u that 100% of Indians blieve in things like religion and God -- there r exceptions everywhere.

    Ashika :)

  18. yes they have McDonald but they don't serve beef Burger

  19. Yes there are many McDonald's in the larger cities. They serve a lot of chicken sandwiches rather than burgers. And the fries taste just as good there as the one's that you'll find anywhere else in the world.

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