
Since I am not for Obama or McCain am I considered counter productive?

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I see two corporate puppets I cannot support corruption in government form? Government must be reformed by doing away with much of it.




  1. Ed you make me want to kiss you. Here is a news flash YOU ARE A CONSERVATIVE ! Smaller government has been a cry since Reagan. McCain and Palin will work to shrink government. Obama and the other liberal want to grow government and take more of our money!

  2. If you stand for nothing you'll fall for anything.  

  3. No you are one of the few who are seeing  clearly.Neither one of the two running are what America needs now.  

  4. You are Independent

  5. I agree with what others are saying. Neither of them are what America needs at the moment, especially if Obama says that he hopes to find himself if he becomes president. They also both have strong opinions that you can be either for or against, but not mutual with. However, this is a very important election so if you are wisely.

  6. No, I'd say that you are looking at the election with eyes wide open.  Once again we are being offered the "lesser of two evils" and which side you consider to be the "lesser" depends on your political outlook.

    If there were a snowball's chance in h**l of a third party candidate getting enough votes to win the presidency, I would vote for that third party's candidate in a heartbeat.  But any third party now just doesn't have the political base to be anything more than a spoiler, just like Ross Perot back in the '92 election between Clintoon and Bush I.  That's why I vote for third party candidates for every other office but the president, to try to enable that party to get the political base it needs to make a serious challenge to the "two-party system" we are now stuck with.

    So now you need to ask yourself:  "In my own educated, informed opinion - which candidate would cause the most harm to our nation during their 4 year term of office?"  And vote for the other guy ...

    And pray that in the future, we have a third party with enough clout to  offer up a viable challenge to what we are being offered today.

  7. Let's say it like this...I am not voting either because there is no point in it. They are both rich punks who want to become even richer  nothing more  nothing less. Like George Carlin said....on election day I will be sitting at home wackin off while you are voting and I will have something to show for it. If you vote its your own fault if the country gets screwed up and you have no right to complain because YOU voted them in!

  8. I don't think you're counter productive, you're probably better off not voting anyway. It won't make much of a difference because the president is not chosen by the people but the government. The president basically is a puppet used for giving speeches and announcements. They don't make the major decisions but they sure would have people believe they did.

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